Open Scars(Rewrite S.E.)

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Romania 2008


Mordred P.O.V

I emerged from the rubble desperately gasping for air while leaning on my sword as blood was slowly running around my body. I tried to take a step forward but I immediately fell as all the cuts around my body opened even more, sending me into an agonizing pain . Falling on the cold pavement my vision became hazy and all I could see was a silhouette running towards me, calling for me.

(???):Saber! Are you alright?! Damnit!

The words faded more and more into my ears as I passed out from the bleeding. Opening my eyes, I looked around, the smell of death was in the air, howls of pain and suffering resounded in my ears as before me laid hundreds of corpses, all of them gathered in a single place,Camlann. The battlefield of fate and misery where I fell at the hands of King Arthur, my father. My admiration and love for the king now rage and frustration both swollen up like tumors ready to explode at any point now, untreatable wounds inflicted on me since I was child. After all, that's all I was in the end, a homunculi created by the evil witch Morgan out of her desire to destroy the King. A perfect weapon, to kill a perfect King. I am the very curse of his story, of his legacy, his bastard child. Still, there was no reason in saying my regrets, they would've fallen on deaf ears anyway. Slashing through every one of his soldiers, I called for The King of Knights demanding his presence.

(Mordred):Where is King Arthur! Where is the King Of Knights?!

Slicing and dicing through his forces, my legs almost gave up from the exhaustion, my hands could barely hold onto my sword, my breath heavy barely escaping through my iron helmet. Only rage keeping me going, only hate driving me through each knight slain, my sins have long been


I shouted, covered in the blood of knights I once knew, with whom I served and completed countless missions, yet were still blinded by the King's flame of brilliance, a flame I shall extinguish with my own hands. Ripping my sword out of the knight's chest, the sound of footsteps could be heard in the distance. Looking ahead through the blinding dust and shining dawn he revealed himself to me, his sword resting on his shoulder as he himself was soaked in blood. He stood tall, his shadow cast over me, standing on the hill made from corpses.

 He stood tall, his shadow cast over me, standing on the hill made from corpses

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(Mordred):Where is the King?!

I shouted sternly, yet he wasn't fazed. He stood idly as he impaled his sword into the ground.

(Mordred):What happened, Devil Hunter?! Has your mood soured once you found yourself covered in the blood of man?

He tries to cover his sadness with a snarky smile but at that point we both know it is useless. There is no coming back from this for either of us.

(Mordred):Out of the respect I once had for you, I will offer you this. Direct me to Arthur and leave this battlefield, leave this country altogether. No one will come for you, you will never be bothered ever again. You have my word.

The Sins I carry as a Demon for loving a Saint.Where stories live. Discover now