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Rouen 30th may 1431

Jeanne P.O.V.

Today is the day of my punishment,but i don't regret anything for I completed Lord's mission.I can hear the people screaming for my death,calling me blasphemous,a heretic,but I don't condemn them.After all I did as the Lord said and for that I am happy.

(The gathering of people):Witch!Heretic!Accept your punishment!Criminal!Burn the bitch!

(Jeanne):Excuse me,but is there someone who will give me a cross?Please can someone give me a cross?

A teenage girl emerged from the gathering and gave me her cross.As i grabbed the cross I thanked the girl for her kindness.

(Jeanne):Thank you very much.

They chained me to the pyre and started to throw torches underneath. I could fell the fire burning me slowly but I kept praying for I knew that God had never forsaken me nor humanity. With the last of my breath, I finished my prayer.

(Jeanne): Oh Lord, I give myself to you.

As I was covered in flames I caught a glimpse of someone coming to the pyre and entering into the flames. I could feel someone embracing me and whispering to me.

(Mysterious Voice): I won't let you be alone.I will not let you go and I will bear this burden with you forever. I will see you soon, okay?

My eyes started to tear up as I recognized the voice.I was so glad he was here.

(Jeanne): Thank you...for everything.

Andrew P.O.V

I was riding towards the city of Rouen as soon as I got the news about her execution. I was at the edge at my powers and all I could think about was about her trial.

(Andrew): No they cannot do that to her after all she has done for her country,for her people. The King cannot do something like this, this be a nightmare...don't tell me I'm...

(Andrew):....too late. No...

As I stood there I saw the one I love being burned alive while cursed by words of damnation by those she saved and tried to protect,the one who gave me hope about my destiny

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As I stood there I saw the one I love being burned alive while cursed by words of damnation by those she saved and tried to protect,the one who gave me hope about my destiny.I couldn't do anything,I was too weak to save her,all I could do was not leave her alone in her final moments,as I walked towards the burning pyre but I was cut off by guards.

(Guard 1): You're not allowed to get close to the heret-ngh.

His words were quickly cut off by my sword entering his gut only for me to twist the sword into him just to hear his screams. The other guard unsheathed his sword screaming at me.

(Guard 2): Hey are you out of your min-agh

His body was pierced by dozens of my swords pinning him to the ground like a rugged carpet. Screams raged in the background, a sweet tune to ears deafened by the sound of my loved one choking with smoke. I approached the burning pyre, I stood there paralyzed with pain. My hands cold as tears wouldn't stop falling. In front of the pyre, in front of the final road I clenched my fist and entered it. I embraced her burning body, her burning skin, her hot tears dripping on my cheek as all I could do was hopelessly caress her hair and whisper to her.

The Sins I carry as a Demon for loving a Saint.Where stories live. Discover now