Chapter 18 - The Decision

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Her green eyes widened in surprise at the person standing right in front of her. It was as if the world had suddenly stopped, that time had stopped running. Totally frozen in place, the two stared at each other in disbelief as they tried to figure out what was going on. Cinder's face lightened from all expression at the girl in the pink dress who was currently facing her, not believing her eyes that she was really here. This is real? Well-coiffed blonde hair with heart-shaped bangs, pink lips, big blue eyes... There was no doubt about her identity. Mouth opening in amazement, Cinder could not formulate a sentence as she stared longingly at the other person she had accidentally bumped into when she had come out of her room on the right. Her brow furrowed and then she cleared her throat once she was out of her stupor.

"Princess Peach?" She managed to say in a breath, completely in shock. In front of her, Peach immediately exclaimed with a wide smile.

"Another human! I can't believe it!" The blonde woman raised her hands in the air before circling around Cinder to admire her from top to bottom, brushing her gloved hand over the fabric of the dress as she passed. She was overexcited but quickly calmed down to rephrase; "well, I mean another girl. Because you are a girl just like me. But yes, you are a human!"

"How..." Perplexed, Cinder turned to the princess who didn't let her finish her sentence as she was so moved.

"But what is another human doing in this place? Where do you come from? What kingdom? Did the terrible Bowser kidnap you too? Are you a princess? Yet you don't wear a crown... So what's your purpose?" Questioned Peach who had a ton of questions, her eyebrows furrowing as she thought she understood her purpose. Her expression turned to shock. Mouth opening blissfully, she turned back to Cinder to take her by the shoulders.

"He wants to use you as a sacrifice! It's obvious! He has a thing about sacrifices. He's really evil." She summarized with a whisper of fright, her hands in her hair as a horrified grimace appeared on her very expressive face. However, Cinder only listened to every other word she said as she still couldn't believe she was here. Why was she in the castle? Why was she talking about kidnapping? She didn't understand anything anymore!

"Princess, but, what are you doing here?!" She finally asked, leaning towards the latter who simply waved her to be quiet.

"Shh! The walls have ears around here. Follow me." Peach indicated with a wave of her hand to Cinder to follow her inside her room. Once she was sure no one was spying on them, the princess quickly closed the door behind them.

It was very... Pink. Very, very pink. Almost everything was the same color as the dress Peach was wearing. From the curtains and rugs to the furniture and handles and even the stone that had been dyed a lighter shade. Cinder was torn between admiration and disgust as she cautiously moved through this room that until then had always been locked up. No doubt waiting for the next coming of the princess who apparently really liked this very flashy color. Except in this room because she heard her mumble that she hated this room. Peach walked over to her big white and pink bed to retrieve something she had hidden under her pillow, glancing cautiously at the other human before holding up a pin. The latter had been twisted to fit into the lock on her door.

"You learn a few tricks along the way." She revealed with a mischievous smile while shaking her makeshift tool. Putting her other hand on her hip, she couldn't help but contemplate the other human and more particularly her atypical hair.

"Your hair is breathtakingly beautiful! It looks like a river of lava ... Oh, let me guess! That's why he keeps you captive? To admire you all day long?" Peach approached Cinder, keeping her hands clasped so she wouldn't be tempted to touch her hair. She loved it! With a toothy grin, the young woman in the pink dress blinked at the unexpected answer.

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