When Things Heat Up

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Gottcha, didn't I?

Heres a two for Oner for ya!

Don't ever say I don't love you!

oh and- Comment + yaya you get it.

That is all.


A.E ;)


They move and it is a dance. The trio meet in the middle and commence in a battle that seems a dance of art then a battle. Bodies move and twist, leap and pivot, sway and arch, and it is enchanting. Riveting. The Twins are an art form in themselves, moving with stealthy grace and precision. They come in for the strike and withdraw before a blow can land, as if anticipating every hit moments before it touches and dodging it with seconds to spare.

Kane is a spector to behold himself. Lone and solitaire, The Alpha powers through the motions with fluid, breathtaking prowess, never once stopping to rest or catch breath. Limbs whip out with force and strength, deflecting hits and countering oncoming blows. Only himself on defense, Kane must calculate, to the second, double times the threat with anticipatory reaction. Which he does masterfully. There is no denying the skill in which he handles himself and counteracts his opponents.

Weapons come into play and the scene becomes charged with fierce energy. The Twins draw out a double set of medium size short blades, one for each hand. Kane is calm and prepared, withdrawing a towering shaft with a gleaming long blade, longer than even himself. A sword is thrown across the room towards the Alpha, whistling as it sails. I'm startled to see a thin chain attached to the flying weapon, yet Kane simply uses it to his advantage. His long sworded staff comes up from below and hooks the attached chain, swinging it over head to the other side where another knife has been projected. The whole movement is swift and nearly too fast to discern by the naked eye as the second chain is hooked as well, tucked under, then swung back and over head again to be redirected to wince it came- soaring blindingly fast back toward the Twins at the opposite end. Latching ankles, The Twins lean far away from each other and bend back in an arch that has them both almost upside down, midway suspended, with their heads nearly touching the ground below. Their returning swords fly past their backwards arched bodies, the blades nearly skimming centimeters over the cloth covering each man's stomach. With a thud, the weapons embed themselves into the wall behind the bodies of each man. The Twins tug their hooked ankles and use the momentum to bring themselves forward and up into a standing position once more. The trio face each other in an erect, upright stance and simultaneously bow their heads in a low nod of a movement.

"We are well matched" All three declare.

The words are very ceremonious in tone, their deep baritones verberating through the room. A bell can almost be felt echoing all around in finality.

I stare wide eyed and immensely impressed. I try not to let it show how hard I am staring at Kane, but yeah right. He is hot. Not to mention my dirty mind is drifting back to our eh hem, session, in my home not too long ago. Heat creeps up my neck and I chastise myself for even going there at what could not be a more inappropriate time. With all his cut physics on display and pheromones in the air from one intense physical workout, you really cannot blame a girl for having a little perv moment.

"Alpha" Pretty boy says in greeting.

"Rhydon" Kane returns curtly. Kanes gaze cuts to my figure standing by and intense focus zeros in on me. I feel heat now burn scorchingly as he takes in my appearance with lazy perusal.

Prime Alpha: Bound by the Alpha's ClaimOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz