The Temporal Stead

Start from the beginning

Jaune: she's pretty.

(y/n) walked over to him and placed his arm on his shoulder.

(y/n): you're a good kid.

He then hit Jaune on his chest

(y/n): but Weiss isn't for you. But I do know another white hair girl who is perfect for you.

Jaune: who?

(y/n): Ruby. She has white hair and has the hots for you

Jaune: she does? But I don't know how to approach her. I never talked to a girl before.

Pyrrha: you talk to girls all the time.

Jaune: you know what I mean!

(y/n): don't worry man. I've been her friend for the past 13 years and I know almost everything that she likes. So all you need to do is listen and do as I say.

Jaune: thanks. Well do you both want to head back?

(y/n): let's keep going. I'm afraid if I come back empty handed Velvet is going to kill me.

They kept walking down the road towards the location of the Geryon.


(y/n): 🎶A home like yours is upside down. Too much animosity! Nobody does it better than the enemy!🎶

Jaune: what are you listening to?!

(y/n) moved a part of his headphones to hear.

(y/n): oh I'm listening to Nero forte! Uhh slipknot!

Jaune: I forgot you're into metal.

(y/n): how far are we from the Geryon?!

Pyrrha: he's right. You said it only appears during the day and the sun is starting to go down.

Jaune: my source said that if we find an abandoned colosseum. We find the Geryon.

(y/n): hey Pyrrha, is that...

They kept walking till (y/n) saw something in the distance.

(y/n): uh is that the place?

Jaune: it is!

They ran towards the colosseum and went inside. They looked around for the Geryon.

(y/n): where the hell is that horse? I'm ready to kick it's ass.

Jaune: maybe it's not here because it's sun down?

(y/n): dammit! Well I'm going to spend the night Lady and Trish because I'm scared to go back.

Pyrrha: why?

(y/n): I'm afraid Vel is going to kill me for leaving our date for nothing.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of a door opening.

Jaune: do you hear that?

(y/n): it's the sound of Velvet getting ready to kill me when she sees my face.

Pyrrha: I think it's that door.

The door opens wide and a flaming horse tied to a carriage runs towards them.

The door opens wide and a flaming horse tied to a carriage runs towards them

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