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Angelina pov
(Sorry this chapter is kinda short)

As we arrived, they had just commenced the questioning. Breathing heavily, we enter a hallway, every room that we passed had the most heinous serial killers, drug dealers, and rapists, including Christy.

As we reached our destination, I couldn't help but tremble. There were two rooms, the room where the people listened and the room where people talked.

A huge see-through window revealed Sam and the unbearable Martin Chavez. I gasped at the sight, there was blood on his damn clothes, and he looked more nervous than I had ever seen him.

Martin was never nervous, he stirred uncomfortably in his seat, eyes engulfed with dark circles, hair was nastier than it always looked, and he seemed frustrated.

He tilts his head noticing my arrival, a quick smile forming on his lips.

"I want the woman here. Right in front of me." Sam takes a glance at me at Martin's request.

"No, I can't risk that." He answers with hesitancy.

"Then I'm not talking." Martin sits back, crossing his arms, eyes not leaving the other guy.

"I'm coming in." Handing my purse to Anne, I tied my hair back, and just as I was about to take the door handle Jeffrey jumped in.

"Angie you know what he's capable of doing, it might be dangerous." Trying to convince me to enter I shrug it off.

"Thanks, honey but just be ready for any unpleasant circumstances, "I answer as I place a hand on his arm.

Suddenly I heard a faint 'oof' from Anne as she gave the two of us teasing stares. Scoffing as I slid inside, the tension in the atmosphere thickens.

Sam stands up to offer his seat and I accept politely, "Well? How long did your conscience take to turn yourself in?" I start.

"Long enough." He snickers, even if I was trembling he was worse, he tries to cover his hands under the table but I already noticed.

"So Martin Chavez, you have surrendered yourself and volunteered to give a statement on the case of Therese Jolie as her prime suspect. May all truth be said." The door opens and Anne hands Sam his own chair.

Placing the seat beside me, I crossed my legs and cleared my throat, I couldn't take my eyes off the blood that covered him.

No, it's nothing. It can't be.

"I'm here to confess everything, I give up. You won't rest till someone does so I'll be the bigger person." Martin says, he's already getting on my nerves and it had just begun.

"Tell us everything then, starting on the 24th of May 2007." Sam takes out his notepad and prepares to take down the needed details.

"First of all...." He exhales deeply, meeting my eyes in the most sympathetic way.

"First of all I want to apologize to Angie here, you might not be able to take the shit you're about to hear." He pauses abruptly, sucking my teeth I wanted to jump towards him and give this man a slap or two but that would certainly be risky.

So Long, Therese IWhere stories live. Discover now