Just Fine

190 11 1

Therese Pov

Although the visit ruined Angelina's mood, she tried her best to cheer me up. The next day, she came to the Headquarters with a whole gallon of chocolate ice cream, immediately leaving because she was to pick up the others from Brad.

I could only guess it ruined her mood even more as she promised to return but didn't. To me, it was fine that she'd take time for herself, almost every day we're together, so I wouldn't mind.

Jane, my dear Jane. She flies away like a bird with a broken wing.

Lizzie escaped life too. Only, in the most unfortunate way she could.

My past has been stolen from me, I could never return what once was mine, or even think I'll ever be able to have cups of tea with Lizzie, gossip with Jane, and eat Mrs.Williams's delightful pastries.

I never thought about it, not once that Jane would blame me for the downfall of her and her mother. It would never be entirely my fault, I didn't even know they were coming. I was just,

At the wrong place and the wrong time.

My heart aches at the thought I've lost my best friend, perhaps that's what all I've been thinking about since the visit.

Angelina tried to make things better, she always did, I never saw her threaten someone, never heard her cuss, only to Brad but never to someone else.

Just how good those two words felt, gently caressing my ears every time it repeats inside my head.

My daughter.

Sitting at the counter with Anne cooking some snacks for us, I was already digging with huge mouthfuls of my ice cream. I considered today to be another casual day, hopefully, nothing bad, again.

Too many things have already happened.

I find out that my mother isn't Selene but Angelina Jolie.

Martin gets caught and still manages to break free.

Witnessing my Elizabeth get murdered.

I faced three men that might be my father and the most unexpected becomes him.

I also lost my best friend and I don't know if I could ever restore our friendship, not ever.

Who knows? Maybe this is not the end of my story, many things might happen that neither I nor anyone could prevent from happening.

"Angie had set up an appointment and I'm taking you." The distinct clattering of plates was heard as Anne proceeds with her cooking.

"What appointment?" Confusing enough because I don't recall her telling me anything about appointments.

"You're going for a checkup little girl, she ain't convinced you're fine after yesterday." She wipes her wet hands on her apron and solo sets the plates.

"I said I'm fine, I am fine. I don't feel anything bad since I puked everything out and I'm currently standing so it's fine, I'm fine, everything's fine. No one's going to that appointment." I try to tell her that I was obviously fine but she shrugged it off.

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