Lavender And Pain

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Amber's Pov
Tw: Abuse

My insides rejoiced as I headed to the house of my best friend. Jane Williams, like me, Jane has one parent which makes it even for the two of us, nevertheless, we have been best friends since the first day we ever met.

Jane carried me through tears and laughter, we were together, we were inseparable. She was my listener and I was her fighter. She listens when I needed someone and I thank her for always having my back, I was the fighter, the one who'd always take her side and fight for her no matter what happens.

I knocked excitedly as I waited for someone to open the door. At first, I thought it would be Jane, but it was Mrs. Williams. The wonderful lady greeted me joyously as she realized my father would let me join her tonight.

Being a person who was always here I didn't need a tour to find Jane. Honestly, it was just Jane, Mrs. Williams, and me for dinner.

Today was Mr. Williams's second death anniversary, I sincerely feel bad for them, especially for Jane who I've seen suffer the most.

To me Mr. Williams was a great guy, he was a friend of Martin, but he was a better father figure than Martin to me ever was. While Mrs. Williams was preparing food for us, I crept to my best friend's room.

"Open the shitty door." I say idly as I stared blankly at the 'knock before you enter' sign that was stuck through her door.

"Well, good morning," I say as the door opened revealing Jane who looked exactly like she just woke up. She just woke up, my girlie sleeps in the day and wakes up at night. No wonder she looks like a vampire.

"Hello, perfectly disgusting bitch." She groans as a huge yawn escapes her lips, that's what we can call a normal conversation for the two of us. I entered her bedroom and immediately sat on her reserved couch, only for me of course.

"Why don't we help your mom? She's already tired of your 16 years of existence, helping her might lessen the pressure, you know." I watched as she paced back and forth to fix some unwanted mess she had caused the night before.

Jane was, well Jane was gorgeous. Those gleaming blue eyes, her hair of lavender, (if you've read Girl in Pieces, the hair color is based on Ellie.) her smile that would hold someone in a trance, she, she was my definition of beauty. I'm not in love with my best friend but she's just effortlessly pretty.

"I tried helping her earlier, she didn't want me to touch any of her work. Girl, she hates it when I do something around here." Jane rolled her eyes, suddenly her mood exchanged when something went inside her mind. Having the unexpected energy, she rummaged through her drawers.

"What are you up to?" I raised an eyebrow as my gaze followed her every movement.

"I'm looking for something, ok, hold on." Finally, she caught hold of a small Polaroid picture. She held it closer to me and there I grinned at what I saw.

"What's funny?" Jane's smile immediately turned into a frown. She was holding a photo of the woman I crossed paths with earlier, next to her was Jane, an ecstatic Jane.

"That's the woman I almost stole from today." I giggle, the thought of that Angelina never left me since earlier.

"You stole from Angelina Jolie?" Her eyes grew wide as she looked at me with pure bewilderment.

So Long, Therese IOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant