The Bereavement

196 13 1

Angelina pov

February 11, 2022.

Snapping out of my trance as I hear my daughter's voice, she takes my hand and says, "Mom, it's gonna be fine, okay?"

I smile weakly, slowly motioning my head to nod. "Yeah, it will."

5 years after Therese's death, everyone's moved on, the case closed, and by everyone I meant except me.

I was invited to the White House to persuade Congress to review the Violence Against Women and Children Protection Act.

"Just think that you're doing this for us, for... Therese." Walking hand in hand along the hallways, I stop abruptly.

"It wasn't a need to mention her name, Don't worry honey, I can manage." I lifted an arm to check the time and I cursed under my breath.

With the papers clutched tightly onto my chest, I sprinted along with Zahara from behind.

The conference had already started, Zahara took a seat with a hurried 'Good luck' whilst I took my way to the front along with my collaborators.

Numerous headline reporters were there to witness and take notes of the current happening, this could gladly be a door to a new beginning.

As my presence became noticed, various camera flashes came from the crowd, it was almost my turn.

Whilst I listened attentively the thought of Zahara's words jammed like a knife that went deep into the pit of my stomach.

If this law could be taken under review then this is for me and my children and most importantly Therese.

A loud clearing of someone's throat was a sign that it was my cue. Taking a few steps towards the front I unveil the contents of my speech, placing it down, I start. "Standing here," I come out firm.

"At the center of our nation's power, I could think only of everyone who's been made to feel worthless by their abusers." Suddenly a flash of my daughter's smile, Therese's smile forms inside my head.

I shrug it off and continue, Zee silently cheering not far from where we stood, a wonderful woman she grew up to be.

"By a system that failed to protect them.  Parents whose children have been murdered by an abusive partner," I swallow an arbitrary lump in my throat.

"children who've suffered life-altering trauma and post-traumatic stress at the hands of people closest to them." My poor girl, she was too young.

Too young yet the weight of the disheartening experiences she's been through was too cruel. Unfortunate, we are, unfortunate, she was.

Unfortunate, unfortunate.

The speech followed clearly and precisely, the flaw seemed perfectly well, not until it was time to end my speech.

"And most of all I want to acknowledge-"  The lump grew bigger inside my throat, giving me a mental pause for almost six seconds.

"Ah fuck." I mumbled. Tears were starting to swell into my eyes and I tried to pull myself together.

"Most of all I want to acknowledge the children, who are terrified and suffering at this moment." My eyes landed on Zahara as I felt the emotional tug of pain that came with the change of tone from my voice.

So Long, Therese IDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora