
490 19 2

Angelina Pov

Today, I'm busy. After all the fuss yesterday, I couldn't get away with all my work. Now, I face my laptop and a whole stack of unsigned papers inside my office.

I'm planning to introduce Therese to my kids, they know who Therese is, I've told them about her but most of them haven't met her.

My kids aren't the typical early birds people would assume, they usually wake up at 10 to 11 am, just between that. I'm not a morning person too, I just needed to catch up with my work.

Kate came in with the cup of coffee I asked for, slowly she placed it on my desk, and was about to leave when I stopped her.

"Honey, is Therese awake?" I say, running through the last paragraphs of my letter.

"Yes, ma'am. She's been up an hour ago." Kate politely answers.

"Can you tell her to come here? Thanks." I lift my head quickly and smile at her.

"Sure, ma'am." For the 2nd time she attempts to leave, and I hope her again.

"Do me a favor, watch over Therese and I'll add a hundred and fifty to your monthly pay, is that alright?" I set aside the work I was fully indulged in and faced her.

"I would be glad to! thank you." She beams at me and there she finally leaves, a huge smile etched on her face.

A few minutes later, a small knock was heard. I knew it was Therese so told her to come in.

"Morning," She quietly says, with no smile and a frown on her face was a display.

"Good morning, take a seat." I gesture for her to take the seat closest to me.

The little girl trudges on her way to it whilst rubbing her eyes, a small yawn escapes her lips as she takes her seat.

I move away from what I was doing, stood up, and then sat beside her. I looked at those exquisite brown eyes, they were her father's. Gently, I stroked Therese's hair.

"How are you?" My hands slid down to her shoulders, I wouldn't take my eyes off her even though she looked away.

"I don't know." Therese mumbles.

"Tell me, I want to know." Softly kneading her shoulders, she starts to speak.

"Well, I can't say I'm happy or anything. I can't also claim I'm sad, you know that feeling of emptiness where you just can't say what you feel." A deep sigh from her says it all, at a young age, she's probably burnt out.

"Look, I'm so sorry you had to go through all this. You know, life is filled with obstacles, you just go to... Go through it. I'm proud of you for making it this far, you see life just inevitably gives us a reason to cry sometimes, and maybe too much of it but at the end of the day it all comes to a halt." Her head crashed into my chest as I spoke.

"Don't you think mines just, too much?" My arms wrap around her, locking her in a loose hug.

"Sad to say I have to agree. Doctor Bailey mentions she's seen some cuts on your arms, Can I see it?" I hopefully waited for her, though I'm gonna have to force her to do it if she disagrees.

The little girl pulls up her sleeves, not yet giving me a full view. There with fearful eyes, she brings up her hands, a series of red and white scars glistened, some were fresh, some weren't.

"Be honest, did you do this?" I ask her, it took a moment for her to answer. A small nod was all she could do.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't contain myself sometimes." Her voice is a little smaller.

So Long, Therese IWhere stories live. Discover now