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Angelina pov;

My company commenced its way to success exactly 7 years ago, so, just like every year, a great grand celebration will be held tonight, a ball.

 My partnership with the Laurens started 4 years ago, all I knew about Robert Lauren was that he had two children, a boy and a girl, one not so interested in entering the business industry, and one a try-hard wannabe who's still a complete failure and an unhappy wife.

What? It was rumors, all their hidden secrets- came from rumors.

 Perhaps I should've heard a rumor or two that her daughter carried my genes... kidding. 

Not only will rich people be partying, which I can already claim not so fun at all but I made sure that there will be fireworks. 

Yeah pollution, I get it, but people know me all too well. I only pull off fireworks on special occasions, it is a special occasion, and soon people will realize this isn't just a 7th anniversary, it is the main reason I did a celebration.

Before all of that, we have a meeting at the headquarters, my HQ. Ever since the whole Therese incident, I lessened my visits, I only came when necessary, and still every time I step foot into that place, sweet and bitter memories come to welcome me. 

My best friend, Hathaway, who used to make the HQ a hang-out place stopped coming, well, I'd rarely catch her here nowadays. Since I fired Jake and Sam the atmosphere at the headquarters was thicker than ever, none had the nerve to come up with any conversation that might relate to my daughter, barely anyone talked to me here anymore.

Right now, the HQ would usually only be filled with my assistant, Macy,  my manager, Mark, the two remaining people from my agents, Jeffrey and Harold, and two new whom I appointed weeks ago, Raven and Kent, and the rest of the few bodyguards I have.

Before, Jake used to follow me around, drive me wherever I'd tell him to, and my everywhere go to bodyguard, but since I made him leave, I replaced him with Jeff.  

"Okay, what do we have today." I clear my throat loudly a sign that everyone shall settle. 

One stood up and started stating every topic to be discussed, newly performed raids as our team works alongside the CIA,  future raids to happen, and my security measures, the usual. 

As the meeting went on, I started getting out of interest, there were papers to sign, cases to solve, and as far as I know, time was flying really fast. My eyes soon caught Jeffrey who I realized was quiet the whole time, he was a little pale, to be honest. 

"Anything wrong Jeff?" I say warily, my eyes not leaving my gaze from the whole pile of documents I reviewed. 

"I have a theory." he exhales sharply, almost as though he is about to regret his words. 'Well, I'm all ears for that." I crack a smile.

"Don't be mad though-" 

"I'm not, go on." I wave dismissively. 

"It's about Therese." Jeffrey then started sharing glances with everyone, except for me. 

My eyebrows raise, and for a moment it stops me from what I was doing, although a smile was etched on my face, my stomach issued an awful grown. "Yeah, what about her?

Earning a large gulp from Jeff, the whole room silences itself, "Do you really think your daughter's dead? I mean there's  a fat chance she's, you know, still alive?" 

I chuckle, "Honey, Therese is long dead." 

"Assumed dead." He snaps back.

"Presumed dead Jeffrey, there was clear evidence." Pulling the collar of my shirt, I shift in my seat uncomfortably.

So Long, Therese IWhere stories live. Discover now