What A Mother Does?

214 10 4

Angelina Pov

(I literally forgot to set the date, it's 2017, and the story started on the 24th of May.)

"I said what I said, I don't want anything to do with her and I meant it." I watched him frustrate back and forth.

"Man, don't be a coward, it's just responsibilities." Colin butts in. "You know Colin, you're already allowed to go." I politely tell him whilst placing my hands on my hips.

"I'd be grabbing my things and say, 'Sure babe, I guess I can now leave.' but because you've had me fly all the way from Ireland, I'll stay for a few hours, thank you." He stretches his back, leaning into the door frame as he listens.

Jeffrey was also there, standing behind Colin as they both share understandable glances so I just sigh and return my attention to Billy.

"Look, she's still away from the public eye. Maybe make things work for her? She's a sweet girl. Right now what that kid needs are some parent figures and a whole lot of support, she's been through so much. Please." I try to talk him out of his decision but as he shook his head, my eyebrows scrunch at him.

"I can't, I just can't. I love my wife-"

"If she loves you too then she'll have to understand." I glare at him disappointingly.

"There, Farrell's ready to take that kid. Let him have her." Colin's hand shoots up into the air as he looks at us innocently.

"You can't just hand people your responsibilities!" Rubbing my palm to my eyes, I move a few strands of hair away from my face. "What do I do then? Do you need support? Money? I'll send a full stash of them."

"I don't need your money, Billy."

I expected much from him and I wanted only the best for Therese, for my daughter. As soon as I saw the hesitance in his eyes, I knew he wasn't the best that I could give for her.

Talking a few steps towards the door as I walked right past him, I felt his hand harshly grab my wrist causing me to stumble into his figure.

His arms did catch me and for a moment I caught his eyes staring into my lips. A hand slides around my hip as the other lands at the back of my neck.

The man leans towards me and before I knew it his lips presses into mine, I gasp as shock takes me aback.

Quickly pulling away from him as our lips parted, the adrenaline takes over. Being entirely devoured by disbelief, I didn't notice the other two men immediately step forward.

"What the- What is wrong with you?!!" I manage to say whilst my hand rests on my chest.

"Back off man, not cool." Jeffrey glares at him as he attempts to corner Billy.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." He says breathlessly as both men causes him to step farther away from me.

"That's just fucking disrespectful, do you realize that?" Colin spat as he clenches his knuckles.

"Yes, I do. Angie, I- I- I apologize." Billy stutters.

As the two nears him, he gulps intensely, hopefully looking at me for mercy I speak loudly. "Enough! Colin, Jeffrey, it's okay. Just Leave."  I tell the unfortunate guy.

That's all I had to say as I walk out of the living room, slowly as I near where Therese currently rests, I place my fingers to my lips.

Billy might've stepped the line but the shock that came with it has not left me yet. Breathing heavily as I twisted the door handle, I see a completely awake Therese accompanied by her friend, silence.

So Long, Therese IOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant