Past Unwinded

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Therese pov
Tw: Abuse

A beach day, it was all my siblings' idea to celebrate Angie's birthday. Me coming was sort of a complication, seeing me with her and the kids would be a huge blow to our cover yet Angelina insisted that I'd come.

I just have a feeling that this day will come down to something unusual. Right now, I'm sitting beside Angelina with my head resting on her shoulder. We were in a huge van where all of us could fit and so our belongings.

My eyes linger on the view outside my window. My thoughts lead to one thing, What if one day I'll find myself living again with Martin? For now, that would be my biggest fear.

There are things I don't want to leave behind now, for once, I had someone who appreciates my existence, and right now, that someone is smiling as she listens to how two of her kids plan about living together someday.

Anne told me to go easy on her, there were things I never knew she was dealing with. Perhaps, I never knew her divorce from Brad happened recently.

People come and go but letting go will always be the hardest thing to do when you think you did the right thing, forgetting is difficult, forgetting the memories, forgetting what you once had.

I look at her, it's unbelievable how strong she is. She lost a mother, a daughter for a decade, and a partner, and yet she still stood her ground.

"Happy Birthday Mom." I manage to say, it was now that I had the chance to do it, now that we're in each other's company.

"Thank you, baby."  She answers, and our eyes met. It was something I noticed about her, the eyes. It leads you into a trance when every time you talk, her eyes don't leave you.

"You're quiet, is anything bothering you?" I don't want to be a problem today, I don't want her to be worrying about me, she needs to keep that smile as bright as possible till this day ends. I shake my head and force a smile, assuring her that I'm fine.

We arrived at the sunny seaside, I wasn't fond of the sunlight yet it reminded me of the lake I called home. The sunlight reflected its daintiness at the water and the sound of the water splashing calmly to the shore back and forth, was a random sense of comfort. As I followed Angelina from behind, I feel someone grab me.

"Hey, sorry, the plan says you can't be with Angie and the rest, we have a separate cottage for us though." My smile fades as we start to walk away from the rest of the group, Kate has been with me since I first arrived at the Jolie mansion, I guess till now.

As we head to the mini cottage, Jake also follows us from behind. He was assigned to guard me for the day.

As I sat at our cottage, I watched from the distance as they sang Happy Birthday to Angelina where Maddox dances with her, followed by Pax, and then Knox.

I knew this day would lead to something and I wasn't wrong. Kate acted like my mother even if she was only a few years older than me. She helped me into some swimwear and applied sunblock to my face, arms, and legs.

"Thank you," I say sadly, I glance at Angie's cottage where she was the one helping Vivienne into a swimwear. She was supposed to be the one I'd be with right now.

"Ma'am told me to look after you, she said that I'll remind you that it's all for your safety okay?" Kate tells me that she notices the expression I held.

Walking near the shore, Kate and Jake became my parents, it's all for pretend but it made me happy somehow. Kate held my hand as Jake held the other.

As soon as my feet touches the water, I feel something spark in me like my soul has been awakened. Being a little devil, I splashed a huge amount of water on Jake, issuing a burst of great laughter.

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