A Nobody

400 19 7

Angelina Pov

I've hurt her, I didn't know how much Christina mattered to her, till she walked out aggressively wiping her tears away.

"Look you need to know she's not who she is." I tried to talk her out but she just wouldn't listen.

"You haven't even met her! Please, just leave me alone Miss, I'll be fine." After saying that, Therese slams the door in my face leaving me to stare blankly at it.

I knew she was leaning at the door, desperately sobbing. I didn't mean to hurt her but Christina was just another Martin Chavez, just kinder.

"Of course, I know her, she was my best friend." High school was tough, then there was Christy but somehow she changed, she never talked to me after graduation until we saw her running away with Martin, and Therese in her arms.

"What did you say?" I hear her through the door.

"Talk to me when you're ready, I'll be in my office." I start to walk away when suddenly I see Maddox staring at me.

"Hey, honey. You good?" I ask, giving him a fake smile.

"She giving you a hard time?" He replies with a question, he looked bothered like he didn't want the way Therese is acting.

For me, I completely understand where she was coming from, not to mention the trauma and abuse she had to face for years, Therese is lost.

She's still young and naive, at this age, she's still going through with who to trust and what to learn.

"Nothing to worry about, it's okay," I assure him, although he didn't leave his spot.

"You said that when Brad and you fought, the next thing it was divorce papers." Maddox along with his brother Pax was quite protective of me sometimes.

I do appreciate that and I'll always be thankful they've becomes such wonderful human beings as they grow.

"Honey, this is different. Thank you for worrying, but I'm fine." I smile at him, and there I start to walk away.

"love you." I hear my oldest say from behind.

"I love you too."


"Let's get this over with." I lifted the cup of tea that was already waiting for me at my seat.

Following the breakout of Martin Chavez, we needed to plan she'd the security measures and what happens next.

"Ma'am Chavez was spotted near your neighborhood this morning." Sam starts, and the others then start to nod from his newly laid information.

"He was? I got a call last night, from Chavez. Jeff?" I looked at him hopeful for anything he might say.

"Ange, since the return of Therese, we have decided it's best if we keep your daughter hidden," Jeffrey answers, is it even worth it?

"Who's we?" my back crashed to the chair as I immerse in the conversation.

"Everybody Angelina, you see in about an hour an interviewer from the press will come to visit following the chaos from yesterday." Harold enters the room, a late and overwhelmed Harold.

So Long, Therese IWhere stories live. Discover now