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-Ellie's POV-

I jolted awake to Brady shaking me.

"Jesus- what-?" I hissed.

"We need to find the address and when you find it you have to go in by yourself."

"What- are you crazy?"

"If crazy is what it takes to save my brother and best friend, then most definitely."

"How do you know Griffin got taken too?"

"Because I know him, he wouldn't run off like that."

I thought for a moment. "Alright, just—Go change in the bathroom."

He nodded and sneaked into the bathroom.

Katie sat up, rubbing her eyes. "What's going on?"

"We're gonna find your brother."

"It's twelve in the morning."

"I know, perfect timing to sneak out."

She furrowed her brows. "Since when do you sneak out?"

"Since I met your brother."

"I see." She got up. "I'll wait for Brady to change so I can go."

I nodded. "Just wait outside the door with clothes so I can change in here."

"Okay." She grabbed clothes and headed for the bathroom before I shut the door to change.

As soon as I changed, I called Gwen quickly. Robin was ready next to me.

"Wouldn't your dad be looking for you right now?" He asked Brady.

"Nah...I told him we'd come here and he said it was better if we stayed here. It's like he suddenly cares about his addiction and wants us to be safe or whatever. He didn't even notice Vance went missing until I told him. He suddenly cared about his life. They only care when you're gone."

He nodded slowly. "That sucks."

"It's fine." He shrugged. Then we all saw a light flashing through our window. We walked out with some snacks just in case and got on our bikes and motorcycles, looking for the house.

It felt like we'd been riding for hours, sunrise was coming. We'd been at this for six hours. We took a snack break immediately before I noticed Gwen paused when she looked up from her chip bag.

"What is it Gwen?"

"The house."

"Wait what?" Brady stood.

"Yeah..." She trailed off, walking toward it.


"Language." I cut Brady off.

"Damn..." He frowned. Then looked closely at the address.

I noticed a small window not too far from the door and felt pure chills at what I saw.

It was Vance, trying to make a hole. "Guys. It's Vance."

"What?" Brady was at a loss for words when he bent next to me to see.

"Should I go in now?"

"Ye- wait. No. Don't. The grabbers in there." Brady was now looking in the window that showed the first floor. He opened the door slightly, then went back. Vance got caught. That wasn't good at all.

I almost gasped, but I didn't so I wouldn't create much noise. He was carrying a knife.

"Don't. Go." Brady hissed though I saw in his face that he wanted to go in.

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