The Ugly Encounter "--- CHAPTER--3

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Part 3

The Ugly Encounter

Lan Wangji--

I could not fathom what took over me at that instant. Was I really mad at Augustus? Or was I mad at myself? Or the vampire I had met back there in the pub? I didn't have a clue but I had to get out of here as fast as I could. I could hear Wei Ying's footsteps. He was trying to catch up with me but I just didn't want to face him, not now. I increased my pace and didn't bother looking behind me. The red head's words were ringing in my ears as clear as a bell.

He does not want to be found!

What on earth did she mean? Was she talking about brother? Had they held him captive? I dismissed the thought the moment it occurred to me. No they would not hold him captive. No, Augustus was right. They would much rather tear him into pieces and gloat about it. He was their enemy, wasn't he?

Who the hell are you kidding Lan Zhan? You should know it better than others a snide voice spoke inside my mind. The images that I had kept suppressed over the years surfaced back haunting me all over again.

A man shouting at his wife to hear him out and listen to her conscience when she had none left in her.

The inhuman gleam in her eyes that once held only affection for her loved ones.

The man staking his beloved himself and then claiming his own life.

The more I tried to suppress they kept coming back to me, reminding me of the price we had to pay for being born into this. I had seen my world come crashing down on me years ago and I wasn't prepared to go through it again. Anything but not this. I ran my hands through my hairs desperately trying to dispel it but it was burned into my mind.

"Lan Zhan, wait for me please," I heard Wei Ying's voice from behind me and it sounded distant but I ignored him and continued to walk straight ahead. I didn't realise when I stepped outside the tunnel and started walking on the road again.

I had to track down the red head or let her find me. Transylvania had been bad news all along. Brother should never have agreed to this. I had a strong feeling that my brother was not dead, not yet. Once I found him I would leave this wretched place forever. Even as the last thought struck me, a face swam before my eyes. A face with beautiful baby brown eyes, cheeks that flushed red every time they met my gaze and the luscious hair that framed his face - Try as I might I couldn't stop thinking about Wei Ying either. My mind was a mess right now. On one hand I was nowhere close to finding out my brother's whereabouts and on the other, my wayward heart desired what was never meant to be mine.

The familiar smell of sickly sweet fragrance hit my nostrils again and I realised with horror that I had left Wei Ying far behind me. Oh no! What had I done? He didn't have anything with him to defend himself and he was still raw. I raced back pulling out my stake.


Wei Ying-----

I knew Lan Zhan was upset and I could tell it for certain that it had nothing to do with Augustus. The colour had drained off his face when I had mentioned my ridiculous improbable theory. I ran after him but boy was he fast? Even before I was halfway to the tunnel he had walked out of there on to the main road.

Augustus trailed behind me.

"Augustus, let me handle this. I really don't know what got into Lan Zhan..." I started but he stopped me.

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