" BROTHER we MeeT Again!!" Chapter 5 ( New Part up)

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WARNING - 16+ only

Please do not read if you're not 16 and above LOL It has some violence n well some racy moments as well LOL

DISCLAIMER - The story about the original vampire is my figment of imagination and any resemblance whatsoever to any other story is purely coincidental. It's not a take on the Underworld series and I hope there is no similarity either other than just the name.
-- The Author


( And by the way, there's lot of info, so please don't skip anything in this Chapter!!)

Part 5
Brother We Meet Again....

Wei Ying

A week had gone by since the revelation on dad and Xian's mission of tracking down the ancients. Lan Zhan never brought the topic back again but I knew it was only a matter of time. Though he maintained a deadly calm composure on the surface, I could see a storm brewing inside him, waiting to engulf anything that came its way. It hadn't been easy for me either to deal with the fact that my dad had been killed while he was in this mad pursuit. A part of me that still ached for my dad was mad at Augustus for having led him to his death trap but the part of me that was born to slay those demons would have wanted the same as dad. I felt hurt on being betrayed by my own best friend and he did owe me an answer for what he had done.

"Why did you do that, Augustus?"

"Do what?" he asked me, still not willing to meet my gaze.

I probably looked like a fire breathing dragon to him right now but my feeble attempts at self-restraint had crumbled down after seeing Lan Zhan in a zombie-like obsessed state. He was determined to chase after the ghost of a brother of his and get himself killed. None of us had seen Xian so far and there could be a million probabilities as to what could have really happened to him. Even though I had tried time and again to convince Lan Zhan to let go of it and go back to China he would not listen to me. Ever since Augustus had paid us a visit to warn us about the vampires keeping a tab on our activities, his resolve had strengthened even more and I knew he wouldn't rest until he tracked Xian down. This was nothing short of a suicide mission.

"Why? Why now? All this while you chose to conceal the truth from everybody including me. Me, whom you claim to be your only friend!" I accused him.

"Prince I was just.." he began but I did not let him finish his sentence.

"Don't hey prince me, Augustus. Why didn't you tell me back then? I assumed you were helping dad with the stray vampire situation over here but now I get to know that you made him embark on a journey from where there was no return. If it wasn't for you, dad would still be alive and so would Siddharth," I yelled at him while he looked abashed.

"Wei believe me, I had no idea that your father would set off all by himself. He assured me that the council will send in a team of their best slayers to help him in this. I tried my best to dissuade him but he would not listen," he begged me to understand but I was far from convinced.

"Then why didn't you tell me about it before? You didn't say a word even after he got killed in that lunatic expedition of his. Don't you think you owed me an explanation for what you had done? I had a right to know. That was my dad, damn it!"

"Wei I am really sorry but I was.." he said but he could not continue.

"You were what Augustus? When you knew that the ancients were nothing but bad news all along? You knew dad was obsessed about hunting them down. Nobody could track them for a millennium let alone hunt them. Was it worth it in the end?"

EveR AfteR.... A Vampire Slayer--OnE- ShoT EndedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang