𝟔 - 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞

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Others came back to pick up Y/N and Taehyung and they were came back to the mansion where they live.Taehyung was brought to his room and a doctor came to examine him. Taehyung's mother worried about the thing that happened to Taehyung as he hasn't been trapped by that Jungkook before.. and our Y/N was tired a lot.. Y/N and others were sitting in the couches that were in the hall and they were sighing in relief. All of them were thinking about the incident. And a girl entered the hall.

"Lee Y/N,Mrs.kim told u to come upstairs..please follow me"

Ahh What's now??

"Ok..Guys, give me some mins"

"Ok..Y/N" Yeji said.

Y/N followed her and the girl stopped in front of Taehyung's room.

"Y/N..wait for Mrs.Kim.." the girl said and left from there.

After few mins the door was opened and Mrs.Kim came outside.

"Oh..Lee Y/N, thank u for saving my son's life"

"It's ok Mrs.Kim.." Y/N said and smiled.

"Y/N, Can u please give these medicine to Taehyung and bandage his injuries?"

Aish! I'm also tired..My legs are about to broken...shit

"Mrs.Kim,I'll do it"

"Ok Y/N, I have to arrange a sudden mission, that's why"

"Ok..Mrs.Kim..I'll take care of him.."

Mrs.Kim smiled and left from there.

Y/N peeked inside and saw a shirtless Taehyung.

Y/N froze on her spot and her eyes were placed on Taehyung within a few secs.



"What are u glaring at?" Y/N blushed.


"Then, what are u doing, standing there??"

"Oh..ahm..Mrs.Kim said me to bandage ur injuries"

"Then come and do what she said, aish u are such an idiot Y/N"

Y/N stepped closer to Taehyung who was laying on the bed and she leaned closer to Taehyung's face. Y/N kept glaring at him with her sharp eyes. Taehyung's eyes widened at her sudden action.

"Mr.Kim, then don't forget that this idiot saved ur life"

Taehyung went speechless.

Y/N sat on the bed and took the bandages.

"And don't forget to give ur best gun to me" Y/N said while smirking.

Y/N started cleaning his wounds and applying medicine.. Taehyung was staring at her whole time but Y/N didn't notice it as she was focusing on what she was doing.

"Ok..I'm done.. "

Y/N said and stood up to leave.

"Don't go"

Taehyung grabbed her wrist and made her fall on the bed.

Their eyes met. They were lost in their eyes for few secs..They were looking into each others' eyes deeply, but Y/N fake coughed so Taehyung got out of his thoughts.

"Hey..Mr.Kim.. Are u lost ur nuts?"


WTF I just did?? Am I gone crazy?"

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