"Does it hurt?" Matt asks me.

"Breast feeding?" I ask and he nods his head. "It was a little uncomfortable in the beginning, but I've gotten used to it. Though it may hurt when he starts teething" I state.

"When will that happen?" he asks.

"Between four and seven months" I state.  "I'll most likely switch to a bottle then. Though we'll start to introduce him to baby food at six months. He should be fully weaned by his first birthday" I explain. Grayson finishes and I burp him. Before handing him to Matt as we start to eat. "How's work?" I ask.

"It's not so bad, though I am having some difficulty juggling it with school and spending time with Grayson" he admits.

"If you either need help studying, you need only ask" I tell him.

"Thanks, I'll remember that" he says with a smile.

(Time skip)

We decided it was to cold to swim. So we took some photos with Grayson. Before starting to head back to our cars. We reach them safely and go to the grill for an afternoon snack. I spot Jenna with a strange man. I hand Grayson to Matt. "I'm gonna go say hi to Jenna" I tell him. He nods his head. I head over to Jenna.

"Mira, hi" Jenna says with a smile. "Did you guys have fun?" she asks.

"Yeah, it was a beautiful day for a hike. Though to cold for the water" I state. "Little Grayson is exhausted" I add.

"I can imagine" she says with a chuckle. Then man clears his throat. "Right, where are my manners" she states. "Mira this is Elijah, the guy Carol asked me to help. Elijah, this is my niece Mira" she says.

"Pleasure" the man says offering his hand. I freeze when I see he's face. It was the man from the mirror. I shake his hand quickly and let go.

"I should get back to Matt and Grayson" I state. "See you at home Jenna" I tell her. She nods and I left them.

Third Persons POV

"Is he the father?" Elijah asks Jenna as he watched Matt hand Mira the baby. Who he now knows is called Grayson.

"Yeah, but he is dating her friend Caroline. He and Mira are doing a great job co-parenting though" Jenna states. "Honestly I had my doubts in the beginning, but they've pulled it off" she says smiling at the small family.

"Why are they not together?" Elijah asks confused.

"It's complicated, they had a one night stand and don't have romantic feelings for each other. It'd be wrong of them to try force a relationship beyond friendship" Jenna states. Elijah nods his head. "Anyway, lets go to my house and I can get those boxes for you" she adds. They leave the Grill.

Mira's POV

"You ok? Who was that guy?" Matt asks Mira.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I assure him. "He is some historian Jenna is showing around" I state. "He's called Elijah" I add.

"Seems young for a historian" Matt states and I shrug. Our food arrives and we begin to eat. "Today was fun, I wish Caroline could of come with us" he adds.

"She was helping Tyler" I tell him. He frowns. "Don't worry, they are friends and nothing else. I would of been there to had you not suggested we go hiking" I state. He nods his head. "I should probably get home" I add.

"Yeah, I should too" he states. We finish eating and said goodbye. Before going to our separate cars. I tried to call Caroline and Tyler to see how the are. But no answer, they must already be at the cellar. Where there is no reception. I hope everything goes fine tonight, I'd talk to them both tomorrow.

I arrive home and see Jenna with some boxes. "What are those for?" I ask.

"For Elijah, he'll have someone collect them later" she states. I nod my head. I start to head upstairs and hear someone talking to Elena in her room. I decide to eavesdrop.

"What kind of a deal?" I hear Elena asks the person.

"Do nothing. Do nothing, live your life, stop fighting and then, when the time is right, you and I shall draw out Klaus together and I shall make sure your friends along with your family remain unharmed" Elijah states. I frown, what are they talking about? Are we in danger again? Is Elijah supernatural?

"And then what?" Elena asks.

"Then I kill him" he answers.

"Just like that?" Elena asks.

"Just like that" he says. "I'm a man of my word, Elena. I make a deal, I keep a deal" he assures her.

"How are you gonna be able to keep everybody safe?" Elena asks.

"I notice you have a friend; Bonnie, is it? She seems to possess the gift of magic. I have friends with similar gifts" Elijah states. So he isn't a witch, so he is either a werewolf or vampire. Most likely a vampire, otherwise he'd be locked up like Tyler.

"You know witches?" Elena asks.

"Together, we can protect everybody that matters to you. So, do we have a deal?" Elijah asks her. I leave and go bath Grayson, then put him to bed in his pjs. Soon I feel someone behind me.

"You should leave" I state.

"You heard" Elijah says.

"Mind telling me what danger me and my family are in?" I demand turning to face him. Crossing my arms.

"I'm surprised you don't know already" he states.

"I know Elena was kidnapped, but not why" I state.

"It's because she is the doppelganger, the people who kidnapped her thought she was the only one. I was surprised myself when I saw there were two of you" he states. "There's a curse bound by a moonstone, in order to break it. Either you, Elena or both of you have to die" he explains and I freeze shocked.

"Why tell me?" I ask him.

"I believe in being prepared, you have a baby who should be your top priority. How can you protect him if you don't know the facts?" he asks me. "Klaus will be after you and Elena. If I were you, I'd be on my guard and set things in place if things go wrong" he tells me before disappearing. I sit down trying not to cry, how could Elena not tell me? What if I die? I can't leave Matt alone to raise Grayson. What if Elena dies? I can't lose my twin. How did I not notice?

I look at Grayson through the bars of his crib. "I'll ensure your future Grayson, you will be happy and never know fear" I assure him. "I'll make sure of it" I state and get to my feet. I head to my room and I grab my laptop. I start to do research on how to make a will and look up schools for Grayson. I never thought I'd have to do this, but I must make sure Matt can raise our son well if something does happen to me. I'd confront Elena tomorrow.


Picture above of Elijah and picture on the external link of the falls.

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