Chapter 23

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Arendea woke up on the shore of a small beach and began to couch out the water in her lungs. She felt the blood running down the cut on her head as She got up from the ground. 

She began to shiver a little from the cold as She looked around the forest around her. She called out Yerdon and Lira's  name but didnt hear his voice calling back.

She then decided to walk further into the forest to either find a way back to Yerdon or someone who can help her. She kept on walking and walking as her blood continued to run down her face from her wound.

She came across a small house in the woods and saw a woman hanging up some laundry on the clothsline. She had long brown hair, green beautiful eyes that were green like the leafs. Her body a bit fat with big beautiful breasts. She wore a yellow dress with a airpin and a pendant around her thick neck.

 The woman was about to hang up some shirts when She took notice of Arendea and quickly dropped the shirt and said to her.

"Godness, what has happened to You?" Arendea looked at the woman and said as She tried to stay conscious. "I were with my husband and a few of our men when we got amushed.

I fell into the river and got seperated from my group and got washed up on the shore not far from here... Is it alright with You if I stay here and rest until I can go look for my husband?" The woman looked at her and said with concearn in her voice. "Godness, that's awful. Of course You can stay here and rest.

Come inside so I can clean that injury of Yours." The woman let Arendea come inside the house and went to get some bandages and a cloth. Arendea looked around the room and saw a few crossbows hanging on the wall on the left side of the room.

And a drawing of the woman and who looked like to be her husband holding hands with smiles on their faces. The drawing reminded her of herself and Yerdon their days together after the wedding.

She was so worried about Yerdon and just hoped that He was alright and nothing ill has befallen him. The woman returned with the bandages and the cloth and said to her.

"Let me clean that wound of Yours, If You would allow me?" Arendea gave her a nood and let the woman clean her wound and listend as the woman said to her.

"You said You and Your husband were ambushed? Where were You headed?" Arendea looked at her and said. "The front lines, We were getting back after We viseted the Sealths."

The woman looked a bit suprised and said. "The front lines? Why would the two of You head there? And going there in Your condition..." Arendea lookes at her and said with a calm and serious look on her face.

"Because the brave men and women there need their King and Queen to help and give them hope." The woman stopped and has a look of shock on her face as She said.

"Y-You're Queen Arendea?" She gave her a nood and the woman said to her with a bit of an embarrassed tone in her voice. "G-Godness, If I had known that the Queen of Orenthia would come here then I would have cleaned and dusted my home and..."

Arendea gave her a gentle smile and said to her. "It is quite alright, I do not mind." The woman looked at her and said to her. "Y-You sure? I dont want You to be uncomftable with..."

Arendea lookes at her and said. "It is alright, I do not mind and I didnt mean to cause You such distress. I be leaving Your house and go look for my husband as soon as I'm feeling better."

The woman looked at her and said with a bit of a nerveous smile. "O-Of course... Your Highness" Arendea saw that She was nerveous and said with a friendly smile.

"You do not have to be so formal with me, May I know Your name?" The woman looked at her and said. "Its Cecile, Cecile Roshuld." Arendea lookes at her and said with a smile.

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