Chapter 13

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Two weeks has passed since the Assassination attempt and things has been peaceful for a while. Arendeea sleeps soundly next to Yerdon until a little german shepherd puppy jumps up on the bed.

The puppy goes over to Arendea and began to lick her with its little tongue. She woke up with a smile and giggled a little at the puppyˋs tunge tickeling her.

Yerdon woke up a second later and looked at Arendea and the puppy saying. "Morning, My Love, Xia..." Xia gave Yerdon a little bark to tell him good morning while Arendea said to him.

"Morning, My handsome husband..." Yerdon looks at her and said with a smile. "Did You sleep well?" Arendea lookes at him and said with a smile on her face.

"I slept well, You?" Yerdon lookes at her and said with a calm look on his face. "I slept good, had a dream about You..." Arendea gave him a flirty look as She said to him.

"Oh? What did You dream about?" Yerdon gave her a smile and said to her. "I dreamt that You were standing in a lake in the middle of the forest, You had so many beautiful flowers in Your hair and You wanted me to join You in the lake.

I went in and was about to kiss You, then I got woken up by You giggeling and this little buggar licking Your beautiful face." Arendea looked at him with a smile and said.

"It sounds like You had a interesting dream... Maby tonight We can spend some quality time together?" Yerdon gave her a smile and said. "Mabye We can do it now? and I really want to make love to the beautiful goddess that I see in front of me..."

They began to kiss each other as was about to make love to each other. When Xia got between them and licked Yerdonˋs face with its tail waggeling. Yerdon stopped kissing Arendea and looked at Xia and said with a smile on his face.

"What? do You want some attention from Your masters?" Xia barked as She continued to waggle its tail while Arendea giggled. She gently lifted the puppy up as She said to Yerdon.

"She is the cutest little attention seeker, Iˋm glad that we found Her." Yerdon looks at Arendea and said to her. "We did find her when we were taking a walk in the Castle garden..."

Arendea gently pet Xia as She thought back to that day a few days ago. They were walking in the garden and were about to go back when the little german shepherd just walked up to them.

They were both confused as to where the little puppy had come from and how it got into the Castle grounds. They soon found out that the puppy had slipped through the gate and just went passed the guards unnoticed.

They asked the city guards if anyone is missing a puppy and found out the puppy belonged to a woman in a kennel. She had no idea that the puppy had gotten out and apologized to
Yerdon and Arendea.

When they returned the puppy back to the woman and was about to leave. The little puppy just ran to Arendea and let out tiny little happy barks.

Arendea thought the puppy was adorable and the woman found it also adorable. So She let them keep the puppy because it liked them and now they have a new addition to their family.

Arendea stopped petting Xia and got out of bed and went to the closet as She said to Yerdon. "Has Tera found anything about that person that wanted You dead?"

Yerdon looked thoughtful as He said to her while Xia just rolled around on the bed. "I havent heard anything since I asigned her to that mission."

Arendea put on a white beautiful dress and a pair of high heels as She said to him. "I really do hope nothing bad happens to her." Yerdon got out of bed and put on his pants and shirt saying to her.

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