Chapter 10

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The sun slowly rised and Yerdon opened his eyes to see Arendea sleeping peacefully next to him. He looked at her as He gently stroke his fingers on her right side of her body making her shiver and smile in her sleep.

He smiled at this and pulled the seath to cover her exposed breasts and gave her a little kiss on her head. Yerdon then got out of bed and put on some cloths and got ready for another busy day as King.

He then looked at Arendea for a minute before making his way out of their bedroom with a smile on his face. Arendea woke up an hour later and stretched her arms before getting up to get dressed.

She went to the walk in closet on the left side of the room and grabbed a beautiful blue dress. Arendea put on the dress and tied her gray hair in a bun and looked at herself in the mirror.

She looked herself over once before going out of the bedroom to greet the new day as Queen. Arendea made her way to the dinning room to eat brakefast and greeted Ferina with a smile.

"Good morning, Ferina." Ferina lookes at Arendea and said with a smile as She put Arendea's breakefast on the table. "Good morning, His Majesty told me that You were still sleeping so I made brakefast for You."

Arendea looked at the boiled egg with a piece of bread with butter on top and said. "Thank You Ferina..." Ferina lookes at Arendea and said with a calm look on her face.

"How was Your night with the King?" Arendea lookes at her and said with a small smile on her face. "It went well, Thank You for asking."

Ferina lookes at Arendea and said with a smile. "That's good to hear, A letter came for You today." Arendea lookes at her and said with a curious look on her face.

"A letter? from who?" Ferina lookes at her and said with a unsure look on her face. "I'm not so sure, It didnt say who the letter is from."

She then gave Arendea the envelope with no family sigil or a name written on it. Arendea put the letter on the table and turned to look at Ferina and said with a smile.

"Thank You, I will read it later after breakfast. You can go and relax for a bit, Ferina." Ferina lookes at her and said with a unsure look on her face. "You sure?" Arendea looked at her and said with a small smile on her face.

"Its fine, go take a rest for a few minutes." Ferina looked at her and said with a bow before leaving the dinning room. "As You wish, Your majesty..."

Arendea began to eat her brakefast in peace with a smile on her face. When She finished eating her brakefasst She picked up the letter and began to read it.

- You dont know me, but I knew Your Mother before She fell to the sickness. I went to the house to see if You were alright but You wernt there and Your Father didnt tell me where You were.

I thought the worst and left without thinking anymore about it. a few months ago I heard about a servant girl being chosen to be the new Queen of Orentia.

A servant girl that had the name of the little girl I thought was lost all those years ago. I wanted to come and see You and ask You where You been but I chose to leave You alone.

And if You ever want to talk about Your Mother or whatever, come to a cabin near Lovers Peak. I'm always there. -

Arendea felt a bit confused reading the letter from a complete stranger that knew Her Mother. She had so many questions on her mind and what did they mean by coming to see if She was alright.

Arendea looked at the letter for what felt like an eternity before putting the letter back into the envelope. She put it in her pocket and got up from the chair and didnt think much about it.

She made her way out of the dinning room and was about to make her way to the library. When a Young man in his 20ths walked up to her and said.

"My Queen, His Majesty wishes to see You in the training yard this afternoon." Arendea gave him a nod and told him She be there in the training yard in the afternoon.

He nooded his head and left Arendea to be alone for a few minutes until She went to the library to read a book to pass the time.

When afternoon came Arendea went to the large training yard and saw Yerdon standing next to the stable. He lookes at Arendea and said with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Did You sleep well my love?" Arendea gave him a smile and said to him. "I slept quite well and had a good brakefast." Yerdon looked pleased that Arendea had slept well and said to her.

"That's good to hear that my beautiful angel has had enough sleep." Arendea still has a smile on her face as She asked Yerdon. "So, tell me why You wanted me to come here."

Yerdon lookes at her and said with a calm look on his face. "The reason I wanted You to come here, Is because we need to talk about You starting Your combat lessons."

Arendea thought about what they discussed weeks before the wedding and said to him. "I see..." Yerdon lookes at her and said to her. "So... I thought We start Your lessons tomorrow and..."

Arendea interupted him and said to him with a calm look on her face. "We can start the lesson right now, if it is alright with You?" Yerdon looked a bit suprised to hear this and said to her.

"You sure about this? We can start tomorrow instead." Arendea walked over to him and said with a calm look on her face. "No, I want to start now because I dont want to end up in that situation with that man that attacked me.

I dont want You to be worried everytime I'm going out of the Castle walls. I want You to teach me how to defend myself so We can protect each other and the Kingdom. Because I love You..."

Yerdon looked at her for a few seconds before He gave her a loving smile and said to her. "I love You too, My love... We can start the lesson now since You're so determined to protect our Kingdome with me."

Arendea lookes at him and said with a smile as He went to take two wooden swords from the rack. "Is that a good thing that I'm so determined about it?"

Yerdon lookes at her and said with a smile. "It is a good thing, Its a good thing that my Queen is determined, brave, kind, caring and even is willing to do anything to protect the things We love."

Arendea looked at him and thought about her encounter with her Father and said to him with a unsure look on her face. "I'm not sure if describing me as brave is the right word.

I mean I..." Yerdon gently placed a hand on her sholdur and said with a loving look on her face. "I still think You're brave, You went through something awful when You were little and I still think You're a brave beautiful woman.

And I dont want You to not think so badly about Yourself, because it pains me and I want You to be happy about Yourself." Arendea looked at him for a few secounds before giving him a smile and said.

"You're right... Thank You for the kind words, Yerdon..." Yerdon gave her a kiss on the forehead and said to her. "You're very welcome, my angel..."

He then gave her one of the wooden swords and walked a few steps away from her as He said. "Now, shall we begin?" Arendea looked at the wooden sword in her hand before looking up at him and said. "I'm ready..."

Queen from another world.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz