Chapter 12

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Arendea and Yerdon walked down the steps leading to the dungeon. As Arendea got closer and closer to the door She heard the ratteling of chains.

The voices of the guards and the man that is going to torture the prisoner. Yerdon stopped in front of the large wooden door and turned to look at Arendea and said.

"Like I told You before, You can leave any time if things gets... Too brutal." Arendea lookes at him and said with a calm look on her face. "I stay with You by your side during the whole interogation."

Yerdon looked at her for a few secounds before turning to the door and opened it. The guards and the executioner stopped talking and turned their attention to Yerdon and bowed.

Arendea entered the room and one of the guards looked suprised to see her here and said. "Queen Arendea, What an unexpected suprise... We all thought You were still at the Festival."

Arendea looked at the men with a calm look on her face. "I wanted to come with my Husband to the interrogation." The executioner looked at Arendea and said with a calm look on his face.

"You sure You want to be here? It is going to be one bloody interrogation..." Arendea looked at him and said with a serious look on her face. "Iˋm sure, I want to see the bastard that tired to take the life of My husband and Your King.

Now, shall we get started, Gentlemen?" The executioner chuckled a little and said to her. "Sure, Iˋm itching to use my tools on that poor bastard." He then went to get his torture devices ready while the guards went to get the red eyed man.

Minutes later the guards came back with the man and chackled him to the chains hanging from the ceiling. The red eyed man looked at Yerdon with a hateful look in his eyes before turning to look at Arendea.

She saw the little smirk He was giving her which made her a bit uncomftable but didnt show it. One of the guards took notice of this and punched the man in the stomace and said with a serious look on his face.

"Look at our Queen like that and it will get worse for You..." The man looked at the guard with an annoyed look on his face as He said. "What? cant I look at Her? I heard so much talk about her having the same beauty as a goddess.

I can see that people spoke true... Too bad that She got married to the King, or else I would have married her myself..." Arendea looked at the man and said with a calm look on her face.

"I would never marry someone like You, not a man that attempted to take the life of my Love..." The man looked at her and said with a bit of a insane look in his eyes.

"Oh really now? I thought a servant girl like You fell in love with the first man they see. Or did You wait until the right moment to spead Your legs for him?

So You could stop being a servant for the Asharths?" Arendea gave him an angry look on her face and said. "Say anything ill about the Asharth family and I have Kaidon cut Your chest open, and have You fed to the wolves..."

Yerdon were a bit suprised to hear Arendea talk like this while one of the executionors named Kaiden just chuckled. The red eyed man looked at her and said with a calm look on his face.

"Careful now, a Lady such at yourself shouldnt show such a nasty temper. It brings out the worst in You..." Arendea just gave him a bit of an angry look in her eyes before Yerdon said to Kaidon.

"Letˋs get started..." Kaidon grabbed the whip from the table wih a smile on his face and stood behind the red eyed man. He tore the red manˋs shirt from the back and took a few steps back and Yerdon looked at the man and said.

"Who sent You to take my life? " The red eyed man looked at him and said. "I cant say... But can I askYou, if You and that servant wife of Yours has gold blood? And can You shit gold too?"

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