Chapter 20 Part 1/2

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A month has passed and Arendea is on her way to viset the home of Sealths. The reason Sheˋs going to the Sealths is because there has been some talk about Jardi planning an attack on them.

And Arendea vulunteered to go with Xane and a few soldiers to the village. Yerdon agreed that She should go because of the Sealth blood in her veins.

And if the Sealths find out that their new Queen is one of them then maby they should feel more at ease. Thatˋs what Arendea is hoping and She just hopes that they listen to her and accept their help.

She just hopes to get to the village with her companions in time before the attack. When they rode over the hill Arendeaˋs eyes winded at the beautiful large beach and the huts in the distance.

She felt the warm air blow on her skin as they got closer and closer to the village. When they enterd into the village Arendea could smell the sent of cooked fish and the dry sea weed that has been washed up.

The people there had tatoos that shows what their professon is from fishing or hunting. The women wore tops and skirts that had sea shells or little pearls sown into the fabric.

While the men wore loin cloths with a blue ear ring on their left ears. They went further into te village and stopped by the big hutt at the center of the village and were greetet by the Chief.

Arendea took notice of the Chiefˋs red hair and his eyes that were blue like the sky. His body muscular and showed many scars from many battles with one red scar across his chest.

He looked at Arendea and said with a serious yet calm expression on his face. "It is a great honor to have You here at our village, Your Majesty." Arendea got off her horse and looked at the chief and said with a small smile on her face.

"It is an honor to be here, Chief Asha. We came here as quickly as possible to offer support in case enemy forces attack the village." Asha lookes at her and said with a calm look on his face.

"I am glad that You and Your men came as quickly as possible, You and Your men can pitch up tents on the beach." Arendea gave him a small smile and said to Asha.

"That is very kind of You, Chief Asha. We get things ready right away..." She was about to go help the men pitching the tents and helped unload the food supplies from the wagon.

A woman with brown hair and blue eyes went over to Arendea and said to her. "Hello, I were told by my Father... I mean the chief that You have arrived, Is there anything Me or anyone else can help You with."

Arendea looked at the woman and said with a small smile. "No, We are fine. But thank You for asking." The young woman looked at her and said with a smile. "If You say so, and it is such a plesure to meet You.

I have heard a lot about You and the great things You and the King has done for the Realm." She gave her a small smile and said. "I also heard a bit of talk that You served the Asharths, And it must have been hard for You to serve a family that is now considerd traitors."

Arendea lookes at her and said with a bit of a sad look in her eyes. "It wasnt hard for me, Lord and Lady Asharths were very good and kind people. And it pains me that their oldest daughter has brought such dishonor and distrust for her own house.

It even caused her little Sister great pain as well. And I do hope that Lord and Lady Asharths can rest in peace knowing that their secound Daughter is in good hands." The woman looked at her and said.

"It sounds like You miss the Lord and Lady of House Asharth. May I ask why?" Arendea has a bit of a sorrowful look in her eyes as She said to her.

"Let us just say that they were good people that gave me a secound chance, When the world wernt so kind to me in my younger years."

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