Chapter 15

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It has been a month and the people who were involved with the assasination atempt were either arrested. or went into hiding to avoid getting hanged for their treason.

Jardi and Eria even went into hiding and were no where to be found. It was quiet for a couple of weeks until Jardi's men attacked one of the villages that were trading with the Sealth tribe.

This made Yerdon angry at what Jardi did and this was the cause that started Orenthia's first civil war. A war that that would cause a lot of bloodshed and loss of many brothers and sisters in arms.

- Day 10 -

The war camp was busy with soldiers getting ready for another day of battle and healers ready to do their jobs. Yerdon is in a meeting with his generals discussing what their next plan of action in the war.

While Arendea was practicing her sword skills on a dummy with a serious expression on her face. She struck the dummy as She thought  about the day Eria hit her and how She failed to convince Lord and Lady Asharth to cancle the arranged marriage.

She even thought about the man that She killed to protect her best friend. The thought about her Father being part of the assassination atempt made her feel anger inside her chest.

She swinged her sword and cut off the dummy's head sending it flying to a tree. She let out a few heavy  breaths while Xane walked over to her saying.

"Is everything alright, My Queen?" Arendea turned to look at him with a calm expression on her face as He said. "I'm fine, just... Doing some sword practice..."

Xane lookes at her and said with a calm expression on his face. "I can see that, and I can sense that something is bothering You..."

Arendea looked at him for a few secounds before putting her sword away and said to him. "I have a lot on my mind right now... Me and my husband fighting in a war against a man who was like family.

And the fate of a woman who I once served..." Xane knew that He was talking about Eria and said to her. "It isnt Your fault, none of us couldnt have known that their actions would lead to war..."

Arendea turned to look at him with a frustrated tone in her voice. "But it is! If I had tried harder to pervent her from marrying Jardi then none of this wouldnt happen.

I had this bad feeling about her since the day Yerdon chose me as his new Queen... I just wished that Eria wasnt so... so..." Xane lookes at her and said with a calm look on his face.

"Jelous?" Arendea lookes at him and said. "Yes... I still think about the things She said to me before She was sent away. told me that She should have been chosen instead of me and the hateful look She gave me as She said it..."

She had a sad look in her eyes as She told Xane. "If I had the chance to tell her that things arnt fair sometimes, and You just have to accept how things are sometimes.

But I doubt that She listen with so much jelousy and hate towards Me..." Xane lookes at her and said to her. "If Eria was chosen to be Queen, I doubt that She make the right descisions and make its people happy and safe.

I'm glad to serve the woman who was chosen to lead us all with a great King by her side." Arendea looked at him and said with a smile on her face.

"And I'm glad that I have such a good friend like You to fight along side with..." Xane gave her serious expression on his face as he told her. "Well, It is a great honror to fight side by side with a Valelse."

Arendea looked at him and gave him a playful smile on her face. "A great honor You say? Do You think childeren will come to You to hear about the time You were asigned as my bodyguard?

I imagine them asking with cute little smiles saying. - Is it true that You were Queen Arendea's bodyguard, please mister, tell us about Your bravery and how the enemy forces pooped their pants seeing You.- "

Xane just chuckled a little witch was rare for Arendea and heard him say. "If childeren would ask me about my time as Your bodyguard and in the war, I spare them the gory details of how many men I slayed."

Arendea giggled a little and said to him with a smile. "Well, I better go get something to eat. I havent eaten since brakefast." Xane gave her a nood and said to her.

"Sounds like a good idea, I dont want You to go hungry before our next battle." Arendea walked passed him saying with a small smile. "I surgest You do the same, Xane..."

She went to the tent where food is being served and grabbed a bowl of soup and sat down to eat. After She's finished eating She went to check on the patiences in the tent and wish them a good recovery.

Then She would go back to her and Yerdon's tent to sit down and read a book to wait for Yerdon to come back. Yerdon came a few minutes later with a tired look on his face and Arendea looked up from her book as She said to him.

"How was the meeting?" Yerdon took off his shirt and put it on the bed as He told her. "It went well, Some of our generals disagreed with a few things but We worked it out.

So We make our attack in two days." Arendea closed her book and said to him. "In two days? That's enough time for our men to rest and recover from their injuries from the last battle."

Yerdon went over to her and gently held her hand as He said to her with a flirty look in his eyes. "Yes, and it will also be enough time for us two to have some time together..."

Arendea got up from her chair and gave him the same flirty look as She said. "Oh really? Didnt we spend time together on the battlefield?" Yerdon chuckled a little and told her as they made their way to their bed.

"True that We did spend some time together on the battlefield, but the two of us coverd in blood isnt very romantic." Arendea gave him a smile before She started kissing her and went to bed with him.

( Warning love maing scene, wait until next chapter.)

They began to kiss each other and Yerdon was about to unbuckle his belt and began to make love to her. She let out moans of pleasure as He kissed her on the neck as He made love to her.

She then grabbed his sholdurs and rolled him onto his back and began to ride his manhood. Yerdon gently grabbed onto her hip with his left hand while holding her hand in his right hand.

They kept making love to each other until Yerdon released his seed into her and let out a few heavy breaths. Arendea got off him and layed down next to him as He said with a flirty tone in his voice.

"Where did You learn to make love like that, Dear wife?" Arendea lookes at him and said with the same tone of voice. "No one, just decided to let me do all the work and let You relax..."

Yerdon smiles and shakes his head before giving her a kiss on the forehead and said to her. "That's very sweet of You to do, Now get some sleep, My love..."

Arendea gave him a smile before laying her head on the pillow and falling alseep next to Yerdon.

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