Church Bells May Ring

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The scene begins to show Crimson carrying the cat faunus to a table before strapping her down. As the poor girl's head was pounding harder causing her to feel like she was going to die. In her haze of a vision she sees Crimson hold both a hammer and chisel, feeling the cold metal on her forehead. She should be scared, she should be fighting back, she should be doing something but the pain was too much for her to fight back. As she looks up one last time as Crimson slams his hammer to the chisel before darkness takes her.

As Crimson was taking care of Blake everyone found a new room which offered a new training scenario catching everyone's attention. The scenario allows one person but goes up to and recommends four. Sienna offers to go first and even read the text out loud. "Just go out and kill Blake, the Feral Faunus. Wait, what?" Sienna said, causing everyone to read the same line before the High Leader pressed the enter. "Are you REALLY sure? Okay... Are you, are you mad?" Sienna laughed a little before continuing. "Any Last words? Alright, if I don't make it, tell Adam, he's a prick." After saying that, Sienna walks in. It was only a few minutes until the tiger faunus came back with both her combat outfit ruined and covered in claw marks and cuts. Worse yet was that she had a million mile stare and unresponsive lead to Sun, Coco, Velvet and Penny to entire. That ended similarly as the four came back with the same state with Penny damage showing slight signs of metal which only Ruby really noticed. JNPR entire next, and well they fared better they still show pain like the others. Now it was RWY and Neo's turn once they were through the bright light they saw something shocking.

Up on a hill in a forested area was a down-flaming airship that looked as best they could describe a sleeker bullhead, around said aircraft were three bodys of mean where stange green armor. "Ok, you're saying Blake did this?" Yang said in disbelief at the damage of what she saw, not noticing the trail of blood leading further up the hill. "That's just here to scare us. That won't affect us, we're huntresses after all."

Though Yang would regret her words as they climb up the hill they see a bug the size of an Atlasian Paladin lie dead with railroad spikes around its body. "If you tell me, that Blake killed this thing. Then I'll laugh at Yang's next pun." Weiss said as she could stab through the armor to get an idea of how strong its exoskeleton is.

Traveling farther up they now notice more dead soldiers from earlier that looked to be hacked apart. "You can put all this dead shit all you want. It's not going to scare us." Said a calm Neo who was slightly panicking on the inside. Her words did start to break as she was now seeing everyone who came before dead corpses. "We can, we can take her down."

As if on cue, something tackled Weiss into the bushes with her screaming in terror before a wet sound could be heard ending the scream. The three others run up to the bushes to see Weiss' caved in skull, they begin to ready themself as the shadow rushed forward aiming for Neo who raised her rapier forward. A wet thud is heard as the rapier pierce through the shadow now showing it to a more feral looking Blake. At first the three were surprised to see Blake but it quickly changed as Feral thrust her arm forward and started to squeeze the shorter woman's throat. This caused Yang to punch at the Feral in the face as Ruby fired point blank range into their monstrous friend. There was a short pause as the Ferals left side of her torso and arm was blown off as the right side of her head was blasted off. There was a pregnant silence before the sound of a crushed throat could be heard, this caused the sister's eyes to widen as they watched the mangled form of the Feral throw Neo's dead body away. In the state of shock, the Feral pulls out a pistol that looks to be made of scrap metal before firing railroad spikes at Yang from her lower abdomen before climbing up to her left eye.

A fit of panic caused Ruby to place it so the Feral has the blade of Crescent Rose at her back. The Feral noticed the movement and was about to rush her but the sudden movement also made her fold over causing the red reaper to pull her trigger and then.

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