Ain't no grave can keep my body down

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In the room team RWBY took as their guest room in this weird... realm? Well whatever it was called, the team of four knew enough that their host wouldn't kill them... at least yet. They of course don't trust him, after all he did kidnap them. But the odd thing was that he treated them as guests and offered them gifts, almost like this was a sick game to him.

As they get out of bed they just now release they were in their pajamas and didn't have their clothes. Blake walks up to the door to spot a note on their door. 'Go to the dresser, it will get you clothes you'll like.'

Ruby wears a red hoodie with three white lines blue the u-neck, a black over jacket with emblem on her right shoulder, mid-thighs shorts and a pair of red track shoes. Weiss wears a white dress with black flowers around it, a white coat similar to her normal wears and black heels. Blake wears a black and white stripes t-shirt, white short shorts, black leggings and white tennis shoes. Yang wears a gray v-neck t-shirt, short shorts with a brown belt, black leggings and brown cowboy boots. As they exit their room they see Team JNPR also has new clothes.

Jaune wears a black long sleeve shirt, white jeans and brown boots. Nora wears a peach shoulderless shirt with white lines and red stringes, a white shirt and black shoes. Pyrrha wears a black sleeveless turtleneck, maroon jeans, black knee high heel boot. Ren wears a black long sleeves, white jeans, black shoes.

"I see you guys got new clothes as well. Wonder where they're from." Pyrrha says as she follows her friends to the door that leads to where they meet Grim.

"I don't know, but we didn't take the underwear he placed in there, I looked way too small. He has to be some perv." Weiss said bitterly.

"You should see the underwear for me and Ren, it's like he doesn't have the right parts." Jaune said as Nora and Yang give small giggles as the door opens. That's when they smelt eggs and bacon.

"Hey guys. Couldn't help hearing something about a perv. I swear that Zone-Tan isn't here, I swear." Grim says as he takes a bite out of his scrambled eggs. Everyone is looking at him in confusion. "What?"

"We meant the underwear you felt for us." Weiss said as she glared at Grim. "And who the heck is Zone-Tan?"

"Long story. But what's the problem with the underwear?" Grim asks.

"It's so small!" Weiss yelled with a blush creeping on her face.

"Yeah, that's because it hasn't been given." He says as he takes a bite of bacon. He noticed confused looks all round. "Basically you put in on and it shapes itself to whatever the wearer's body type, stole the tech from Frieza. Say what you will about evil emperors, but they know how to make great military equipment.

"You might as well order your breakfast before we start. Just grab the tablet over by the coffee table and we'll begin." After placing their order and getting their food as quickly, Grim starts heading to the loveseat. "Okay so the story you've all been here for is A Rose Over a Shallow Grave by Wombag1786. Were of course starting on Chapter 1." Grim says a he grabs the remote. "3. 2. 1..."

Ch.1 Ain't no grave can keep my body down

"That sounds a little horror level... is this a horror series?" Yang asked as she was about to jump to her sister.

"No, it's a Western/Sci-Fi." Grim said calmly. "Trust me when I say, you aren't really in horror yet."

Narrator POV(Ron the Narrator)

Mojave Desert

"Mojave Desert?" Blake asked.

"The Mojave is an arid rain-shadow desert that ranges 47,877 sq. miles. I've been to a small part of the Mojave and it is beautiful but it is also the world's 8th most dangerous desert. This is due to venomous snakes and 55 degrees Celsius temperature in the summer. But true beauty is in the deadliest thing." Grim says as everyone starts taking their seats.

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