The Heist of the Century

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Ch.16 The Heist of the Century

Neo's inner criminal prick up after seeing the title.

The Elevator came to a stop and the three walked out of it. They then proceed to the end of the hall, near the end of the hall they come to an overhanging walled balcony with bulletproof glass. On the other side of the glass sat a huge dome-like structure, the Vault just within their grasp and overhanging a depthless pit with a sea of the cloud looming below. It would have been a simple walk to the Vault but a force field like beam blocked the door. There was of course another way into the Vault, through the maintenance tunnel. But when Six was trying to open the doors to the maintenance tunnel a very haunting warning came up.

Warning: If Vault security is disabled and the Vault terminal is breached, the elevator will automatically return to the Suites and lock permanently in place. After that, there is no way to operate the elevator, and the Vault area is sealed off. As requested by Mr. Sinclair, there is no manual or terminal override once the elevator is locked. Once initiated, it cannot be undone.

Until that time, the elevator may be operated freely from the terminal above.

"Ah, shit." Yang said with Neo raising a sign up.

It was really disturbing to say the least but Six paid it no attention. Rather he just got the door opened and walked down the halls, destroying every single radio that he came across. As the two followed slowly behind him Ruby started to notice something was off with Six. The way he moved through the decaying ruins, the areas where the collars were placed, the dead zones where the collar can't go off. It was like he has been here before.

"Wait, what?!" Weiss raised the questions with the others shocked at that clue.

"Pst, Weiss. Is it me or is there something off about Six?" Ruby whispers as she and she climb down a decaying stair.

"Weird as usual? Ruby to be honest I don't trust him even now." Weiss remarks without taking her eyes off him.

Weiss has to agree with her counterpart, she doesn't trust the Courier. And now he is in a deeper hole for her.

"Um, well it's just that he seems completely focused on getting into the vault, like he has done this before." Ruby answerers in a worried tone.

"That is weird, didn't you say that Six thought it was a myth?" Sienna asks the ginger bomber who was all too happy to explain everything the previous 'night'.

"Are you saying you're not interested in what's in the vault? Ruby there is treasure that will set you up for life and free me from my family. I don't know or care that Six knows where all the Radio's are at, but I quite frankly don't care. As long as he can get me to the vault then that's all I care about." Weiss said as she hurries up to catch up with Six, just so she can get within the vault. This now made Ruby even more worried about Weiss rather than Six.

Weiss notices how her counterpart is acting, she hasn't acted like that since the 1st quarts of Beacon.

The three made their way through the maze of decaying catwalks that led down and up, the wall had speakers some were too far or shielded. Still despite this Six points out where they were located and Weiss safely destroyed them. As they went further down the maintenance tunnel, they came across a bottomless pit filled with the cloud. On the catwalk over it was guarded by ghosts. Terrifying as it was useful Six knew where the controls were and with Weiss Semblance, they went under the catwalk undetected without falling into the cloud below. Once past the guards. The three then walked down some more corridors till they had reached the end of the hall. There they came to the Vault itself. One big circle just to reach the treasure of the old world itself. As they walked down the ramps to the platform they came across a horrifying sight. Bones of previous treasure hunters laid there full sight of their eyes. Bones wearing the clothes Legion and NCR alike. Some were betrayed, others killed in a scuffle. None of them were wearing a collar.

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