Strike up the Band

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Xion decided to start a break as both Velvet, Coco and Yang needed a restroom break. So she gave everyone a menu for lunch. Few minutes later, everyone's lunch came in as everyone took their seats. The newcomers were shocked at seeing the servitors bring their food. Ruby takes a sip of her Nuka Cola and finds that she is handling it better than last time. She turns and notices Coco, Sun and Neo having one, she begins to feel nervous until she notices a paper bag next to their seats.

Ch.15 Strike up the Band

The screen focused on Ruby as she slept soundly upon the floor. As she slept soundly on the floor the lights quickly turned on causing her eyelids to squint and shift before slowly opening them. As she did so a hologram of the lady back at the fountain was standing over her, it started to glitch to look like she was trying to shake her to wake up before vanishing entirely. Soon after Ruby begins to slowly stir, she notices that she is inside the Madre now. The air inside was dusty to say the least but at least it was much easier to breath compared to outside. As she looked around, she noticed that Six and Weiss weren't around and began to panic when she felt something moving by her arm. She quickly looks down to see Weiss was passed out next to her. Ruby breathes a sigh of relief as she tries to pull her hand away, but Weiss was like a tiger. Once she got a hold of her it was difficult to break free from. Ruby struggles to remove her hand from Weiss grasp. As she pulls Weiss moves with her hand before letting out a small moan.

Ruby's brow raised high at the sight of the hologram, again it acted less like code and more as if it was a ghost. The others notice that as well, but were soon caught off guard by Weiss' moan.

"Mm, Ruby don't leave yet. It's still my birthday." She mumbles as she begins to stir causing Ruby to pull back in shock.

"What?" Barely came out of Ruby's mouth as Weiss had a shock blush on her face.

"What?" Ruby asks, completely dumbfounded as Weiss begins to wake up. As Weiss opened her eyes, she noticed Ruby was blushing like crazy as she picked herself up from the floor.

Weiss spoke up with a little fury tone. "What was I dreaming about?"

"Ugh, Ruby are we late for Professor Port's cl..." Weiss then realized that they weren't back in the dorm but rather back in the Sierra Madre. She was about to let out a sigh of disappointment when she noticed how much Ruby was blushing. "What?"

"What? What the fuck were you dreaming about?" Yang glared at her teammate who turned to the brawler.

"Believe me, I want to know as much as you do." This only made the blonde's eyes turn red. "Not like that you brute."

"Um, you were talking in your sleep." Ruby answers nervously and embarrassedly. Weiss gave her a weird look before remembering what she was dreaming about begins to blush in embarrassment. Before either of the two had a chance to talk Six walks through a door with the world's casino written above it. His right sleeve was torn off and wrapped in alcohol-soaked bandages. As he walked out, he had under his arm Ruby's B.A.R and in the other a bottle of scotch in the other.

Weiss was now glaring at her in the story self. "Are you telling me, I have romantic feelings for Ruby in this story?"

Xion nods before explaining. "Yeah, dad is not a big fan of this." Weiss seems to expect the answer and plans to talk with the man later.

"Oh, good you two are awake." Six remarks as he walks over with a small limp in his step. He pauses for a second to take a swig from the bottle. Once finished he looked down at the two, noticing that they were both blushing. He stared at the two before making an assumption on what they did. He then pinches the bridge of his nose in annoyance before muttering. "Wait, did you... ugh, I can't even leave you two alone without hormones adding to the list of problems."

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