"Which I will regret forever" Care mutters.

"It's not really fair to be with someone and not really let them know who you are. I get it" Tyler tells us. "Right over here. There's a cellar that goes to our old property" he states.

"I know" Care states and I give her a look.

"You do?" he asks confused.

"I know that this is the old Lockwood property" she clarifies. Nice save. Tyler looks at her skeptically and heads down the steps of the Cellar. We follow and he tells us to mind out step. Tyler turns on a flashlight as they enter the Cellar and moves the beam of light around the room.

"I'm guessing this is where Mason was headed the night he turned. It's this way" Tyler states heading deeper into the room.

"Did Mason tell you about this place?" Caroline asks.

"Mason bolted before I triggered the curse, but I found these" he tells us. Tyler shines the beam of light at a part of the cave. Caroline walks into the Cellar and looks at where the beam of light has landed. Three deep scratches run across the wall.

"Whoa. They look old" she states. Tyler shines the light further down the wall at a pair of rusty chains.

"And these bolts and chains. I need new chains, but the bolts could still hold" Tyler tells us. He grabs the ring around the bolt and pulls it hard, showing us how resistant they are. "I think that's what this place was used for. Full moons" he states.

"Makes sense, most of my research says werewolves have no control when they turn. They most likely chained themselves up, to prevent them from hurting anybody" I state. Caroline walks forward and spots something in a nook. She grabs an item wrapped in a piece of cloth and walks back over to us.

"What's this?" she asks Tyler.

"I have no idea" he tells her. Caroline unwraps the cloth around what appears to be a journal. She takes it out of the cloth and hands it to Tyler.

"Was it Mason's?" I ask. Tyler takes the journal from Caroline and flips through the pages. He stops at a page and begins to read out loud from it.

"August 31 -- My body is changing. I'm edgy, angry, impatient. I get so mad, I black out and forget what I say or do. I'm not myself, not since Jimmy's death. What's happening to me?" he reads. Tyler flips further back into the journal and glances up at Caroline & I. "He chronicled everything" he tells us. "The full moon is tonight" he reads.

"Well, does he say what happened?" Caroline asks him. Tyler flips the page and sees a memory stick taped to the page of the journal. He slides it out of its place and holds it in his hand, looking at it and then up at us. We are all puzzled.

A timer goes off on my phone and I look at it. I curse. "Damn, I have to go relieve Jenna. Will you to be ok?" I ask them.

"Yeah, we'll be fine" Tyler assures me.

"We'll walk you to your car" Caroline adds.

"Then fill you in later" Tyler finishes. I nod and we leave the cellar. We soon get back to the cars and I drive home to releave Jenna. She apparently has to go see Carol, who wants to introduce her to a historian doing research on Mystic Falls.

I decide to bath Grayson. The bath starts to fill as I took Grayson's onesie off and blow a raspberry on his stomach. He squeals happily and I smile. "Bath. It's your favorite thing! It's your favorite thing! Because I know what you get to do. You know what you get to do? You know what's more fun than anything? Huh? Splash Mommy" I say in a baby voice. "Now to get ready for this, Mommy's going to take her shirt off too" I state. Grayson loves splashing me now when he is in the tub. So I've taken to taking off my shirt, so it doesn't get soaked.

Mira Gilbert: TVD FanficWhere stories live. Discover now