"No Jeremy, you're not" Stefan tells him.

"No, I'm gonna just sit here. What if she's hurt okay?" Jeremy asks.

"She's not. You three go back to your house just in case. I'll call you the minute I find her" Stefan states.

"You can't go alone" I tell him.

"He won't, lets go" Damon tells Stefan.

"You're coming with me?" Stefan asks.

"It's Elena" Damon tells him and they leave. Jeremy does the search and send the coordinates for an abandoned house near where Elena is. It was the only thing for miles, it had to be where Elena is. So he sent the info to Stefan as promised.

(Time skip)

The three of us got to the house and I releave Jenna of baby sitting duties. Ric then took Jenna out, so that she wouldn't ask about Elena. We're in Jeremy's room. Bonnie suddenly gets up and rushes over to her handbag. She takes the grimoire and sits on Jeremy's bed with him. I'm at his desk with Grayson.

"What are you doing?" Jeremy asks her as she flips through the grimoire.

"There's something else I want to try" Bonnie states. She shows the spell to Jeremy. Who said he didn't get it. "I need a candle. Grab Elena's hairbrush" she tells us. I go to get Elena's hair brush, while Jeremy gets the candle.

"What's all this stuff for?" Jeremy asks when we rejoin Bonnie. Who had written a note.

"I know it's crazy but I might be able to get her a message" she states crumpling up the piece of paper. She holds it in her hand above the candle and opens it. She closes her eyes to cast the spell. The paper is burning. Jeremy's tries to stop her as her nose begins to bleed but she keeps going. The paper disappears.

She smiles and blacks out. She falls backwards unconscious on Jeremy's bed. Jeremy tries to rouse her by shaking her. "Bonnie!" he exclaims. I rush to the bathroom and get a wet cloth. I clean her face and dab it with the cool damp cloth.

She soon wakes and Jeremy gets her a glass of water. "What happened? You scared the hell out of us" he tells her.

"It's nothing" Bonnie tells him.

"It wasn't nothing, Bonnie" he snaps.

"He's right, you nose blood and you passed out" I state as I bounce Grayson.

"I've been doing a lot of magic lately. It wears me down" Bonnie tells us.

"When I'm worn down, I take a nap. You were...you were unconscious" Jeremy states.

"Witchcraft has its limits. If I push too hard, it pushes back" Bonnie states.

"How do you know all this?" we asks her.

"It's all in here; it's like a reminder that I'm not invincible" Bonnie tells us. Motioning towards the grimoire. "Please...don't...don't tell anyone" she pleads.

"Why not?" Jeremy asks her.

"Because it's a weakness and I don't want certain people to know that" she states.

"By certain people, you mean Damon" I state.

"I mean anyone that can hurt me" she corrects me.

"I won't tell anyone, okay? I promise" Jeremy assures her.

"Same" I agree reluctantly.

"It's hard, you know? My grams is gone and my dad, he doesn't want to know about what I am. He hasn't since my mom left. I'm all alone in this" Bonnie tells us.

"It's how I feel a lot of the time, alone" Jeremy tells her.

"Neither of you are alone" I assure them.

"Do you think that worked?" Jeremy asks referring to the note.

"I have no idea" she admits.

(Time skip)

I had just put Grayson down for his afternoon nap when Elena returns home. I race downstairs and join her hug with Jeremy. "I'm so glad you're ok" I tell her. She smiles and looks over at Bonnie.

"I got your message" she states. Bonnie smiles and they hug. Jeremy then drove Bonnie hom while Elena goes to have a shower. Still in the same bloody clothes as last night.

(Salvatore house) Third Persons POV

Damon is pouring himself a glass of scotch and drinks it. Stefan arrives. "Where's Elena?" Damon asks him.

"She's home" Stefan answers.

"And you're here, why?" Damon asks.

"Because she wanted to be with Jeremy and Mira" Stefan states. Damon hands him a glass of scotch and pours another glass for himself. "Thanks. Listen, um, what Rose told Elena about the curse" he says.

"I know, we'll keep her safe. Along with Mira" Damon assures him.

"You know, the only way we're gonna be able to do that is if we're not fighting each other. We let Katherine come between us. If we let that happen with Elena, we're not gonna be able to protect her or Mira" Stefan tells him.

"Yes Stefan, I heard it all before" Damon mutters.

"Hey, I'm sorry" Stefan tells him.

"About what?" he asks.

"For being the guy who made you turn 145 years ago" Stefan tells him.

"Enough Stef, it's late. Don't need to rehash that" Damon tells him.

"You know what? I've never said it out loud. I guess I just need to say it and you need to hear it. I'm sorry. What I did was selfish. I didn't want to be alone. I guess I just needed my brother" Stefan tells him.


Picture above of Mira.

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