"Yay! I got it to release!" Harper and I both clap our hands. "Come here sweetie, Let's go get you something to eat." I pick her up and head towards the living area. Once I enter the doorway to the living room, I stop. Hunter is sitting there petting Cole. I can tell he is in deep thought. I don't want to bother him. He might be working on another hit song, for all I know.

I start to back up, but Cole notices us. This draws Hunter's attention. He turns and our eyes meet. My heart stops for a second. Why do I feel like he can see all the way into my soul when he looks at me like that? I really need to get over this fangirl thing. Hunter is my boss. I have a wonderful boyfriend.

"Hey there punkin, How's dad's little girl? Did you have a nice nap?"

Harper shakes her head, yes. I walk to the refrigerator and take out a few small cubes of cheese I cut up for Harper earlier this morning. I hand her a piece to eat. "Hunter, I really need to apologize. I am so very sorry I wasn't here to help you with Harps when you got on the bus. I just needed a few minutes to gather myself after saying goodbye to Craig, so I went to my bunk. I must have fallen asleep. I let you down. I am so sorry. I promise I won't let it happen again." I'm so embarrassed that I messed up. I can't even look him in the face.

Hunter gets up and walks over to us. He's standing so close. I can smell his cologne. He smells amazing. He reaches out and Harper turns into his arms. I let her go, still not looking at him.

"Liddy, it's okay, really. I told you when you accepted this job that I plan to be a hands on dad. I expect to put Harper down for her naps whenever I can."

It suddenly feels claustrophobic in here. I need to put some space between Hunter and I, so I walk over to Cole and start petting him. He loves having his belly scratched so he instantly stretches out allowing me better access to his belly, this make me laugh.

Hunter comes and sits on the couch next to me. He puts Harper on the floor by his feet. Then he reaches over and gently touches my chin and turns my face towards him. Holy cow, I feel an electrical current run through my whole body. The good kind that makes you feel all tingly. I can tell he wants me to look at him so I ignore the butterflies that I am feeling, in my stomach and slowly raise my eyes towards him.

"Liddy, It's really okay. I am not angry or disappointed in you.... Please, stop beating yourself up over this."

I know from his voice and the look in his eyes that he is being completely sincere. "Okay, I will try. It's just that I am a perfectionist and I HATE messing up and letting people down, especially people I care about." Did I just tell my boss I care about him?!!!!! I scream inside my head. When did I start caring for Hunter?

Hunter's POV

I can tell Lid feels terrible and believes she has disappointed me and Harper. She won't even look at me, even after I told her everything was fine. She's just sitting over on the couch with Cole, rubbing his belly. Trying to avoid eye contact. I need to fix this.

I head over to the couch and decide to sit next to her. I place Harper on the floor with some blocks, I had already set out. Now, that I know Harper is fine I focus all my attention back on Liddy. She's still purposely avoiding looking at me and that hurts. I don't know why it does, but it does.

I decide the only way I'm going to get her to look my way is to turn her head. So I reach over with my right hand and gently place my fingers under her chin. I instantly feel every nerve in my body come alive. Her skin is so soft. Softer than Cole's ears and I didn't think anything was softer than that. When she turns her head and our eyes meet, I am totally mesmerized by her chocolate brown eyes with golden flecks in them.

Thankfully, I manage to gather my thoughts and remember what I needed to say. "Liddy, it's really okay. I am not angry or disappointed in you. Please, stop beating yourself up over this."

Now's the time to let go of her chin but I don't want to break the contact. So I hold on a few seconds longer, than I probably should before finally lowering my hand. I wonder if she noticed.

Liddy takes a deep breath and releases it slowly. I can tell she is thinking about what I just said. "Okay, I will try. It's just that I am a perfectionist and I HATE messing up and letting people down, especially people I care about."

Did I just hear Liddy correctly? Did she just say she cared about me? No, I am sure I misunderstood. She had to be referring to Harper only. We haven't known each other that long for us to have romantic feelings for each other, right? She has a boyfriend she loves. I remind myself.

My phone rings and I answer it. "Hey, Devo, what's up? Sure, sounds like a great idea. Let me ask Harper and Liddy." I cover my phone with my hand. "The band is hungry. They want to eat at a Macaroni Grill about 10 minutes away. Is that okay with you two?" Liddy and Harper shake their heads, yes. "Sounds like a plan, Devo. See you guys in a few minutes."

Single Dad "Starting Over"(Hunter Hayes Fanfic)...CompletedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat