eighteen. sadness

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| eighteen | sadness

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| eighteen | sadness

So take it all
The city's yours
It's worth fighting for
It's all yours

Nara and So-cheol reached the base in Seoul junction. With them the rest of the kids and the lady were also rescued, they were taken to the medical camp and treated for possible wounds. But other than the heartache which the death of their parents, nothing was wrong with them.

So-cheol was silent. He was hardly reacting to anything, he didn't answer a single question, nor did he bother to eat the warm food laid in front of him. He was lost, zoned out and none of his classmates dared to approach him.

What would they tell him? How would they console him?

Nara on the other hand was crying. She was sobbing hysterically as they reached the camp. The moment they were inside and the gates were locked, Nara fell on the ground, crying. Her crying resonated with the people around her who were carrying various kinds of grief with them.

Ae-sol was crying, and so were the rest of the kids but their hearts were broken on seeing the twins so lost and distorted. Yoona took hold of the crying girl, kneeling and holding her as Nara let down her guard. No one had ever seen someone cry so much on being rescued as Nara did that whole day.

That being said the camp assigned the isolated tent to the refugees and after a few days of rest, asked them to consider joining the military to keep fighting the spheres. None of the kids wanted to do it, but when their class president proposed the same to the lot, So-cheol stood up.

"I'll enlist myself." He said, the only words he spoke post the incident. It had been a week post their parents death and these were his first words.

"Ya, michaso?" Woo-taek approached his best friend, "did you not see what they are all capable of?"

"He's right." Tae-man shook his head, standing up and facing So-cheol who was highly unimpressed by the argument. "We went through hell these past days, depressed, scared, traumatized and you want to go back again?"

"De." So-cheol replied, a hint of rage in those sad black eyes and a shiver of disgust ran through his viens. "They killed my parents..." He caught Nara's attention, the one who was sitting in the corner, "those fucking ugly thing killed my parents. And I'm going to kill every single one of them so they never do that to any other parents ever." So-cheol was yelling, more so trembling and in tears when he glanced at his sister.

Kim Yoona was sent to the higher base for her treatment, her wound had caught an infection and hence she wasn't with the kids for the couple of days.

Nara stood up, she had cried all the tears and now had nothing left to say or do. "Aaraseo," She replied, facing her twin, "let's go kill all these motherfuckers." She took the rifle they had been alloted and walked out of the tent slowly.

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