three. stubborn

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| Three | stubborn

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| Three | stubborn

as if it was really that easy
for me to get over you

"This training is going to be the death of me." Kim Chi muttered under his breath, slouching on the ground whilst the others sat around him. It was just the first day and they were exhausted to say the least, lunch time was approaching too slow for them. "Can you ask the Platoon Leader to go a little easy on us, banjang?"

They all turned their gaze towards their class president, the girl was laying her head on her friend, "you want me to die?" She shook her head, they all groaned collectively. "Lieutenant Lee would not budge."

"That is true," Jang Soo played with his rifle, placing it upside down, "Platoon Leader looks like he will rip us apart before CSAT does."

That earned him more louder groans.

"YA why mention the CSATs," Tae-Man was laying on the ground, done with this stupid training. "Someone stop this madness."


The kids immediately got on their feet, the scary voice of their leader was enough for them to take this seriously. All of them hurdled, some sighing, others tired and Ae-sol standing besides Nara, scared.

"Is that how you take care of your personal firearms?" Lieutenant Lee eyed the rifles they had very casually held, "five rounds of the school." He ruthlessly watched them, "now."


"First five get an extra side dish for their lunch."

All of the class looked at each other, none of them wanted to move and running five rounds would only make them dead if they weren't already. But one of them rushed and all of them followed, not wanting to be left out for eating some extra side dishes. Nara on the other hand did not care in particular about extra side dishes, rather she stayed behind as Ae-sol took time to get up, considering she had earlier scrapped her knee.

"You okay?" Nara asked the timid girl who nodded.

"Ten rounds if you both do not start running in the next ten seconds." The Platoon Leader folded his arms across his chest, eyeing the two girls who immediately got to work. "She reminds me of someone," He spoke to himself, sighing, "just cannot point out." He watched the kids goof around, pushing the other as they ran and walked towards the other army personnel.

"Status update?" He asked the sargeant, Wong Bin, his fellow comrade and more of a friend. "How many spheres have fallen?"

"Two." Wong Bin was usually a happy personality, but the grave look on his face said otherwise. "One close to the school." He replied solemnly, they both watched the kids, all of the seniors of Sungjin High School trying to fit in.

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