"You and Stefan will work it out" Matt assures her.

"I don't think so, Matt. There's so much about me and Stefan that'll never work" she tells him.

"You know I'm here for you both and Grayson always" he tells us. We smile and hug him gently. He then left. I go put Grayson down for his nap. When I come back downstairs Ric has arrived.

(Time skip)

"I feel like an invalid" Jenna complains. She's still on the couch. Elena and I are with her. I'm feeding Grayson under a blanket.

"That's because you are an invalid. Where's Jeremy? Isn't he hungry?" Elena asks.

"He already left for the Lockwood party" Jenna states.

"He went to that?" we ask her surprised. Jeremy hates Founders parties. Especially any party that involves dancing.

"Yeah, I'm glad. He needs to have more fun. Lose some of that emo thing" Jenna states.

"I'm gonna get some napkins" Elena states as I burp Grayson.

"I'm gonna go put this little guy to bed" I state and head upstairs. I bath Grayson and put him in his pjs. Then put him to bed when Elena appears. "What's going on?" I ask her.

"Something is going down at the Masquerade Ball, I am going to go to find out what. You coming?" she asks. I shake my head and look down at Grayson. "Ok, I'll tell you what happened later" she assures me. I nod and we head downstairs. "Hey guys, I'm gonna go to bed. You good over there?" she asks the others.

"Good night" Jenna says and Elena says it back. She secretly takes her car keys and leaves the house. I rejoin the others. "How's Grayson?" she asks me.

"Sound asleep" I state.

"You're doing an amazing job with him" she tells me. "I'm sorry you had to miss the ball, I know how much you love it" she adds.

"I'll go next year, besides someone has to look after you and Grayson" I state.

"Sometimes it's like you're the adult, you remind me so much of Miranda" she states. I smile. "So what to watch next?" she asks.

"Twilight" I say and she agrees. While Ric groans. I put the movie in and press play. Then go make popcorn.

(Time skip)

I'm in the shower, deciding to have a shower before bed. When I get a stabbing pain in my back. I scream and fall. Crying I notice blood. What the hell is happening? "Mira!" Ric shouts from outside the door.

"It hurts" I cry and he breaks down the door. He throws a towel over me turning off the water. I feel another sharp pain in my arm as I hold the towel close. "Ahh" I cry as more blood appears and he curses. Taking out his phone calling someone.

"Jeremy, something is wrong with Mira. She has wounds appearing out of nowhere" he states. "What? Elena too? Go stop them before they kill Katherine now" he orders and hangs up.

"What's going on?" I ask as tears stream down my face.

"Somehow you and Elena are connected to Katherine. The Salvatores planned on killing her tonight. Don't worry Jeremy is on it" he assures me.

(Lockwood house) Third Persons POV

Jeremy appears in the door way as the Salvatores are about to kill Katherine. "Stop! You're hurting Elena and Mira! Everything you're doing to her is hurting them!" he shouts. Katherine smiles as Stefan releases her and she gets up.

"You think you two are the only ones with a witch on your side? Wrong and something tells me that my witch is better than your witch" Katherine brags. She takes the stake from Damon's hands. Damon and Stefan look at Jeremy.

"Jeremy, go check on Elena and call Ric about Mira. Make sure they're okay. Go!" Stefan tells him. Jeremy nods and left taking his phone out to call Ric as he heads back to where he left Elena and Bonnie outside.

(Gilbert house) Mira's POV

"Jeremy did it" Ric says as he hang up. "Stopped the Salvatores and Bonnie is trying to lift the spell" he states.

"Ok, can you go tell Jenna I'm fine. I just fell in the shower and hurt my shoulder, nothing broken" I tell him. He nods his head and left. I shut the door as I feel pain in my hand and curse silently. But ignore it and take pain killers. Before hoping back into the shower to wash away the blood as I got no more injuries.

As I get out, I feel the pain lessen. I don't know if it's the pain killers or because the spell lifted. I put on pjs and then take the blood soaked towel. I put it in the nappy bucket to soak. Hopefully it won't stain. I get a text from Elena, the spell had been lifted and she is coming home. She just had to speak to Stefan first and call Jeremy.

I then go check on Grayson and sigh in relief. He's ok, still sound asleep. I go to bed. Ric checks on me and I assure him I am ok. Before he left. I lay down on my stomach and soon start to drift off when my phone rings. I groan answering it. "Hello" I say with a small yawn. Pain killers always made me tired.

"Did I wake you?" Tyler asks.

"No, I was just starting to go to sleep. Something wrong?" I ask him.

"I killed someone" he cries.

"What?" I exclaim sitting up and grimace in pain. "What happened?" I ask him.

"It was an accident, but she's dead and it's all my fault" he states.

"You triggered your curse, Ty I am so sorry. Is there anything I can do to help?" I ask him.

"I just need a friend to talk to" he tells me

"Ok, well I am starting half days at school tomorrow. We can talk then" I tell him. I won't be back at school full time until May. But Jenna convinced me to go back part time until then. As Grayson only eats every 3 - 4 hours now.

"I'd like that, meet at my locker?" he asks.

"Of course" I tell him. "I don't know how much help I will be, but I am here for you Tyler" I assure him. "You're not a monster" I state.

"Thanks Mimi, I needed to hear that" he tells me. "Anyway, you sound tired. So I'll you sleep, sweet dreams" he states.

"You too" I say and hang up. I sigh place my phone back on the night stand. I lay back down and quickly fall asleep. Not knowing Elena has been kidnapped by a masked man.


Picture above of Grayson with chicken pox.

Mira Gilbert: TVD FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon