"I'm sorry for dragging you here. I didn't think you would come if I asked nicely" he sat on his throne which was situated at the centre back. [Name] finally snapped out of it, she realised why she was here and what he could have done.

"Tsukasa, I am not joining you." she crossed her arms, tucking them. She seemingly read what was on his mind and quickly pieced it together. "You of all people should know that I would never betray Senku"

"Your hair's fully white now" he reached from his seat to grab her few dangling strands. To Tsukasa right now, she was the prettiest person he's ever seen. He hated Senku, for not just his civilisation plan, but also because he had her by his side,

"Don't patronise me" she smacked his hand away. Her father was out there somewhere and to think that he might've killed his petrified self. She didn't want to think about it, she wanted to believe that she'd find him somewhere and revive him.

Sighing, Tsukasa signalled Hyoga to come closer. "Since the Kingdom of Science is surrounded by water, the best time to attack would be in winter, when it freezes over" he got up, his cloak trailing behind him.

"What about Taiju and Yuzuriha, aren't they a threat?" Hyoga responded, making [Name]'s eyes widen. She had forgotten that they were here.

"I'll have someone watch over them if they really are spies" Tsukasa eyed [Name] from the side. "[Name] you cannot talk to them about Senku, otherwise there will be consequences"

"YOU'RE TELLING ME TO LIE TO MY FRIENDS?" She rampaged at him. "Yes. Hyoga, make sure she gets a look around the place and bring her back here for the night" she just gawked at how easily he dismissed her anger.

"Did you find her?" she whispered, making him stop in his tracks. He took one look at Hyoga and replied, "I don't know who you are talking about". She noticed his hesitation and knew he didn't want to discuss it further. He then left, leaving the two siblings alone.

"You obsess over things easily," Hyoga looked into her direction.

"I do not" she scrunched her nose, clearly annoyed.

"Did you ever think that Senku is just using you?"

"Have you lost your mind? Or are you just acting normal?" she stepped closer to him, trying to match his stance. "I'll let you know that Senku would never do that. Not like your manipulative ass anyways. If anything, Tsukasa should be wary of you"

"You've grown from that frightened baby that you used to be" he nodded.

"After you left, everything got better" she made her way out of the cave.


"What are you talking about Gen?" Senku asked the dual-haired male. This was not a factor he considered in his equation. [Name] did mention that she was acquainted with him but he didn't know they were that close.

"This is what he said" Gen suddenly transformed his voice to match Tsukasa's. "[Name] made me believe that there was hope in the world. I will keep on searching for her even if it takes forever"

"YOU SOUND EXACTLY LIKE THAT LONG HAIRED MAN WHAT" Kohaku exclaimed in surprise. Gen's impressions really impressed Senku, this could be used for their advantage in the future.

"GEN YOU NEED TO TEACH ME HOW TO DO THAT" Chrome loomed around the mentalist, taking mental notes at everything; eyes gleaming.

"So you just assumed it was love?" Senku folded his arms, sighing and looking at the ground. Tsukasa could use [Name]'s intelligence to his own advantage and that's what worried them. Yet he had trust in her and Gen's words.

𝑷𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒆 [Dr Stone]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat