Finally marrying Jordan and Honeymoon

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6 Months later the day finally arrives. Reno wakes up first but looks at Jordan smiling "Daddy wake uppp our wedding is today" "Jordan opens his eyes slowly "Morning babyboy" he says in a deep raspy voice. Reno blushes looking away, Jordan puts his hand on my chin and makes me look at him. (Reno) He kisses me and pulls me closer to him. He picks me up and carries me to the bathroom. We shower like usual but he uses the blow dryer to dry my hair. I smile as we put our suits on it looks so good. Me in babyblue while he's in Dark blue with darkish purple. I can't wait we get married in 2 hours. (Jordan) "Hey Reno we have to go get the car now." I said excited.

2  hours later... (Reno) "M-Mom I'm nervous" I look at mom and she smiles. "It's okay sweetie remember you'll be just fine I'll be in the front row" "Thanks mom I just can't wait I'm so excited to marry Jordan Woodsen." "Wait Reno you never ever said his full name you only say it when you love them so dearly, do you love him so much?" "Yes I do mama, I really do he makes me happy." "Okay quickly fix your hair everyones waiting for you Neon" Mom said really excited.

I walk down the aisle and my eyes meet Jordans I smile while blushing, he blows me a kiss. We arrive, then I face Jordan. Our best friend Jaclen volunteered to be our wedding officiant. The wedding starts and we both say our vowels. "Reno Nelordin do you take Jordan Woodsen as your husband?" "Yes I do" Reno says. "Jordan Woodsen do you gladly take Reno Nelordin as your husband? "Yes I do" Jordan says. "You may now kiss" Jaclen says happily. Jordan and Reno kiss very passionately then stop and smile. "I can't believe we're married Jordan?" I smile "Yes Reno I can't either, now let's go eat cuz I know my Hubby is hungry." Jordan said so happy. 

After the party. Reno and Jordan get in the car and drive to the penthouse to grab the present that Jordan wanted to give to Reno. They arrive at the penthouse.. Jordan rushes into the house to grab his present for Reno. While Reno opens the trunk to grab Jordan's present too. They both surprise each other and hand each other the presents. I smile opening his and jump up as I realize its a beautiful midnight purple with magenta and our names Bracelet. Jordan opens mine smiling, "Wait you're for real I've been waiting to get this manga!" Jordan smiles, giving me  kisses, many hugs. We both get back in the car to go to the beach taking pictures with family.

 We both get back in the car to go to the beach taking pictures with family

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"I love you Jordan can we go for a swim its like sooooo hotttt" Reno teases. "Fineee we can go swim you're lucky we changed at the penthouse" I say. We go swim and have fun splashing water at each other. (Wow what a wonderful story... that's all guys I hope you enjoyed it!!!)

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