New beginning Jordans Pov

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I pull him into my arms because I can feel his anxiety rise me being half wolf/human.  I told him to listen to my heart beat to calm down which he did. But also falling asleep in my arms I adjust him so I can hold him and sit down. Gosh I love this boy already he's so cute I wanna kiss him but not yet he doesn't know me well.  But I run my hand on his lips just as I thought his lips are so soft. I look up to see my dad and new stepmom which only now he introduced me to and my cute little stepbrother. In Jordans mind fuck I want to just kiss this boy I want him so bad I need him close to me w-wait d-do I have b-b-boner? I look down and try to hide it but Reno moves up my lap sitting on my boner trying to help. I let out a small moan as Reno grinds on me we kept going until we heard footsteps our parents walk in and smile cuz we already our "bonding". I love you Reno said. I was shocked at this because we barely know each other. I told him I loved him too. How did this happen? 

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