Introduced to their new home

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"Hey wake up cutie we're here come on" Jordan said Reno yawns and keeps holding onto Jordan who holds his adorable little step brother. Reno looks up into Jordan's gorgeous beautiful light green emerald eyes. Jordan looks into Reno's lavender colored eyes. They broke the eye contact when their parents greet them at the door. Jordan says " hi dad and Lenor um I'm sorry if I've been holding him I don't want him to walk he's to cute. Reno looks at his mom excitedly and Jordans dad. Jordan's. Dad (Jockleer) introduces his self. "sorry Reno my names Jockleer and I'm Jordan's dad but it's nice to meet my stepson." he smiles. "nice to meet you to I kinda like Jordan carrying me and I thanked him for calming me down when I had a panic attack." he replies happily. Jordan kisses Reno's forehead. "Can I take him to my room because he's very tired and I can't leave him alone cuz he's scared and I'm worried about Reno." Jordan says looking worried. His dad nods and smiles while he starts to kiss his newly married wife. Jordan rushes to his room and tries to set Reno on his bed but he won't let go. Jordan sighs and lays down with him. 

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