AKI: "Same here, I'll never miss an opportunity to cheer any of you on.
Oh, speaking of which, she's here now. Hey, Rina!"

RINA: "Hey."

AKI: "Hey there, care to join us for lunch?"

AKI: "Hey there, care to join us for lunch?"

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RINA: "Sure, I'd love to!"

AYUMU: "Let's exchange side dishes, Rina."

RINA: "Oh, I love your rolled eggs."

AKI: "Tell me about it, there's just something about the way Ayu makes them. They're the best."

AYUMU: "Eat up! I made plenty!"

RINA: *Munch* "Yum. Rina-chan Board says, 'Tasty'.
You can have some of my sandwich."

AYUMU: "Thanks! Don't mind if I do!"

See what I mean?

How could I ever leave scenes like this behind?

AKI: "Hey, Rina, it seems like everyone loved yesterday's fan club game tournament

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AKI: "Hey, Rina, it seems like everyone loved yesterday's fan club game tournament. Did you see the messages flooding in?
They were saying stuff like, 'we should have another one' or 'do a team match next time'."

RINA: "I saw. I was so happy with how many messages we got."

AYUMU: "I watched it too. It was awesome how everyone managed to make it through the game under your direction, Rina!"

RINA: "Thanks. It's only because I've played that game so much, though. I'm sure anyone could do it once they get the hang of it."

AKI: "Maybe so, but the fact that even the beginners had a good time shows how good you were at teaching them."


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