Start from the beginning

The camera spun to show a figure magnifying into view with every limp. Clad in gold and blue.

"Jason?" Shock washed over me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, call me crazy but isn't that Tekeon? It is Tekeon! Approaching the media after more than a month of evasion. But I'm more baffled to see him not walking straight for the very first time. Hello, Tekeon. Did you witness what happened here? Were you involved? Could you fill us in?"

She pointed a mic to his metal mask. Worry welled up inside me. For him to be limping, how badly was he hurt?

"New Chronos," He spoke into the mic as his left hand clamped his right shoulder. "The crimson monster...is no longer a threat."

Jubilation broke out around him. The camera view changed to a zoomed-out one; showcasing the cops and firemen that were cheering. My eyes lit up and I almost leaped off the bed in excitement if not for the last bit of restraint. Still, a smile played across my lips. This guy just saved the world. And I know him!

"Yeah," he said after the hollering didn't stop. Then his voice seemed to falter. "And neither is Alain Archer."

The jubilee picked up tempo. I was curious as to the change in his tone though but his mask shielded whatever facial expression he was displaying.

"Peace," he saluted with two fingers. Then his sky-blue T-like jetpack popped out and blasted him into the sky.

"Well, there you have it, good news from Tekeon himself! I don't know about you, but I for one am relieved and I'm sure that the citizens of New Chronos duffs their hats in salutation and gratitude to the beacon of hope of our time."

A knock on the door startled me. "June, you up?"

I sighed and rolled out of bed to unlock the door. I could care less that my hair was unkempt. It was only Mr. Disturb-a-lot.

Once it swung open, the golden glow of the hallway lights mixed with the room's white light at the entrance. Samson was looking slick as his gelled brown hair, donning a grey button-up shirt with black pants and a silver chain wristwatch. "How's our favorite star doing?" He grinned.

I rolled my eyes and strode back to my bed. "Ugh. Come in."

"Attitude much?" He teased and I heard the door gently close.

Sitting on the edge of my bed, I crossed my legs and picked up my phone. "I'm pretty sure you didn't come to replace my bandages."

"Close," he maintained a mischievous grin as his hands hid behind his back. "See, as your health mentor–"

"Is that a cliche?" I quirked a brow. "I swear that sounds so cliche."

He gave a flat face before flashing a smile again. His hands unlaced to reveal a basket of fruits in his right one. "After an injury like today, it's important to get a good dose of iron and vitamins. You could start with the mangos. They're your favorite right?"

My eyes narrowed as I mentally skimmed through possible intentions until it clicked. "You want the deets about the incident, don't you?"

He groaned in surrender, plopping the basket down on the glass center table and crashing on the blue sofa close to it. His smile was replaced by a brooding expression. "Is 'tell me what happened' too much to ask for?"

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