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"What's my greatest superpower?" I asked Blitz during one of our 'in-head' conversations; when I was still new to the hero gig.

I never expected what came next. He said "You can create anything."

I almost fell off the edge of the skyscraper I was sitting on. "You're kidding me! Tell me you're kidding me."

"Relax, I thought our heart palpitation classes were working."

I managed to calm down a bit. My fingers still rapped the rooftop surface as an expression of my glee.

"In short," Blitz began. "You can fire compact streams of electrons like a beam from your eyes which carry trillions of free high energy. At whatever length you decide, these energy particles will restructure at your will and combine to form on that spot, whatever you imagine."

"Cool!" I screamed, fully conscious my armor's mic was muted so no one else could hear me. Though my elevated height also took care of that.

"That means I can create cages and trap bad guys! Wow, that'll save me the chase!"

"Relax." My body eased on Blitz's command, like it just had a really good yoga class.

With a lazily dragged voice, I rebelled. "You've got to stop doing that."

"Acknowledged. But you might need it more often than not. Anyways like I was saying, that skill alone cuts your power time by seventy percent."

"But it's so good." I whined.

"The amount of concentration and power needed is tremendous, so it must only be used as a last resort or when you know that'll nail the job."

"Alright." I sighed.

********{PRESENT: at the NC Pavilion; late night *still not keeping track of time}

"Blitz, are you sure he's on the roof?" I walked towards the entrance I had barged in through moments ago, striding over the unconscious bodies of Zen's henchmen.

"Affirmative. I sensed a heat signature coming from the elevator. He's probably going to discover that hole you made in the roof of the third floor."

"So?" I replied as I took a look around, all phones were out and cameras trained on me. Latest models, blinding lights. I was a bit amused to spot June just staring; so apart from the mumbling videoing guests round about me. Her sea-green eyes twinkled under the effect of the flashlights but her gaze was steady, her expression, curious. I could only imagine the million questions that must have been running round her head.

My lenses tinted as Blitz continued to give me updates. "Well, I'm detecting a radio frequency from an incoming helicopter. Most likely it's his getaway vehicle and that hole is his gateway."

As I stepped out of the building, I reassured the guests of their safety right before my jetpack popped out of my back and the millions of micro thrusters ignited with blue lasers, launching me into the sky.

I came up to the NC Pavilion's roof level and was greeted by the sight and noise of a distancing helicopter. Zen hung onto the roll out ladder of a sleek black chopper as it hovered away. His grey trenchcoat flapped against the air currents. "You're too late!" He laughed triumphantly.

I quirked a brow beneath my suit. Was he joking?

I aimed my fist at his face, closing one eye and zooming in to make sure I had it locked right. When 'target locked' appeared on a holographic display, my armoured fist launched out to meet him.

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