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"Bakugo and L/N, please present your project to the class."

You sighed and picked up the papers you had done all by yourself since your partner refused to cooperate, and met him at the front.

"Wait- what the fuck?"

"Hah? The fuck d'you mean what the fuck? I fucking did the project on my own because all your ideas were shit."

You clapped your hand to your forehead in exasperation, closing your eyes to ground yourself.

"You know this was supposed to be a group effort, right?"

Bakugo scoffed, "Of course I know that, dumbass. And it is. Look, I wrote your name on it."

You made a face.

"What I'm gathering is that you both failed to complete the task at hand," Aizawa said boredly.

"No, Sensei-" you both began, but you were cut off by your homeroom teacher once more.

"That'll be a Fail for each of you." 

You and Bakugo glared at each other as if to say 'this is all your fault' and stormed back to your respective desks.

Unfortunately, your third year didn't offer extra credit classes to make up for any fails, but it did offer internships, and you already knew exactly who you were going to do it with.

"Rumi! I haven't seen you in forever!" you grinned, hugging your cousin tightly.

She smirked, "What happened to 'I'm never doing an Internship with you ever again' ?"

"Let's forget about that. I was in my emo era." you dismissed quickly.


The two of you caught up while patrolling the streets, filling each other in on the latest family drama and hero gossip.

"Midnight scrapped Mt. Lady!?"

"Yep." Mirko laughed, "It was because Mt. Lady said one of Midnight's tits was bigger than the other, and she got proper offended. The rest of us were just watching like..."

You both cracked up, making the people around you turn to stare.

"How did you get your muscles? I wanna start going gym but I don't know if I want to look like Michael B. Jordan,"


You rolled your eyes, "I didn't mean it like that."

Mirko pointed to two figures approaching.

"Look! It's Best Jeanist! And that crazy kid who stole your win at the Sports Festival!"


Of course Katsuki Bakugo had to go and ruin a perfectly good day by just existing.

You burst out laughing when you got a proper look at him. His hair was combed down, which you thought was impossible, and he was wearing skinny jeans.

Maybe this day wasn't completely ruined after all.

"Katsuki!" you looked him up and down, "Do you want a PS4 shirt to go with those jeans?"

He growled.

"Shut the hell up, dumbass!"

You continued laughing, "You look so bad!"

"Kill yourself, damn it!" he shouted, making his hair go back to normal.

That only made you laugh even harder.

"Come on Bakugo; We should get going. Mirko." Best Jeanist nodded at your cousin as he began walking the way you had come, dragging Bakugo by his gauntlet.

Mirko side-eyed you.

"Why are you smirking like that?" you raised an eyebrow.

"Is that your boyfriend?"

You choked on the air, your face heating up as you scoffed, "No! I would never date that self-obsessed, idiot, blonde ass-"

"Stop lying." Mirko grinned, "It's so obvious you like that boy."

You crossed your arms playfully.

"Bold of you to assume I'm single."

"Bold of you to assume I'm stupid."

"What do you mean?" you raised an eyebrow.

Mirko sighed, "I'm not gonna act like we're the same as everyone else here, because we're not."


She nodded before continuing, "So of course we're similar. I see me and Keigo in you and Bakugo. We started off hating each other, but now we're dating. He's still slappable as fuck though. Sorry- side rant- the point is both of us like annoying blondes."

You stayed quiet.

You weren't even completely sure what you felt for Bakugo right now. One thing you knew was that you hated him, and he hated you, but Rumi had a serious point.

"How did you do it?"

"Do what?" she asked.

"Get him to like you back."

She laughed, "Next time he gets cocky with you, give him the same attitude back. Drive him crazy and use it to your advantage."

And that's exactly what you did.

Since Bakugo sat behind you in class, he always kicked the legs of your chair and bumped into your desk whenever he went to 'throw something away' just to annoy you. Then he'd give you the most irritating smile ever, knowing that he got to you.

Every time you were handed out your graded tests, he'd snatch yours before you could even get a chance to look at your score and correct all your wrong answers before giving it back to you.

Today he was being extra-aggressive with his kicking.

"Hey, dumbass!" he whispered from behind you, pulling your hair.

"What?" you raised an eyebrow as you turned around.

"I hope you trip and fall." he said quietly, grinning.

Did you seriously find that cute?

"Who d'you think you're talking to, Katsuki?" you smirked, reaching out and pulling him by his blazer, making him double over the desk.

Bakugo's face turned a deep red and his eyes widened as he looked up at you.

Your own eyes widened as you processed that Katsuki Bakugo was blushing under you. It's not like you had expected it to actually work.

"Kill yourself!" he grumbled angrily, not wanting to be caught in that state. He grabbed your wrist and freed himself before looking away as he rubbed his cheeks in embarrassment.

Mirko wasn't lying, huh?

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