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Katsuki Bakugo. His nerve. His self-obsessed smirk. You despised him.

If you were to write down all the things you hated about him on paper, you would be left with an entire book. And Bakugo felt the same way about you too.

Every day you would try to one-up each other: You both placed third in the 3A Overall Academics Ranking, both placed third in the Power Rankings, and both placed first in the Sports Festival.

He couldn't just let you enjoy your win, could he?

You seemed to tie with him no matter what you did.

So, in an attempt to break the chain, you had both sat down and halved the list of extracurriculars, which was supposed to mean one of you would finally beat the other.

- drums
- mathletics
- debate
- football
- latin
- food tech
- basketball
- engineering
- rugby
- media studies

- piano
- creative writing
- business
- swimming
- classical japanese
- interior design
- tennis
- product design
- netball
- drama

At one point, you had had a heated argument because Bakugo wanted to swap his Latin for your Classical Japanese, but you didn't budge.

Most of the time you just liked to wind each other up for no reason.

"Oi, dumbass!" Bakugo shouted smugly, "Look at this."

He lifted up his test paper, which had ninety-eight percent circled in red.

You smirked to yourself as you lifted up your own results- ninety-nine percent.

"Who's the dumbass now, Katsuki?"

The blonde slammed his fists on the table, cursing out loud.

"Kill yourself!"

You grinned in satisfaction.

See if you can top that, Bakugo.

Your best friends were Momo, Jirou, and Toru, but you were closest to Momo. Mina sometimes came and hung out with you guys as well, because 'it gets tiring being the only girl in the squad'.

"You should have seen his face Momo." you laughed, "He full-on smashed the desk."

It was the end of the day, and both of you were walking back to the dorms.

The dark-haired girl winced, "How violent."

"So, what's been going on with you and Shoto recently?"

"Oh, nothing much. We've only been dating for a month." Momo blushed, looking down.

Smirking, you started running towards the 3A Residence, making your best friend shout and run after you.

"Y/N! Slow down!"

"Naur." you panted, stopping when you reached the doors.

Momo rolled her eyes as she caught up to you, walking inside before you.

The Bakusquad were chilling out in the Common Room, playing a game of Uno.

"My favs!" Mina gasped, jumping up, "Do you guys wanna play with us?"

"Sorry, I'd prefer to do some quiet reading. Thanks for asking though." Momo smiled apologetically, leaving you to stand alone in front of Mina, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, and Bakugo.

You were about to say no, but then Bakugo gave you the middle finger, igniting a competitive flame inside of you.

"Sure." you grinned, keeping eye contact with your rival, as you sat down on the couch next to Sero and dumped your bag on the floor.

"Hey L/N." Kaminari winked while you waited for Mina to deal out the cards, "Wanna go grab lunch tomorrow?"

You agreed. 

Kaminari was good-looking and had a funny personality, so why not?

Not even twenty seconds into the game, Bakugo had found something to call you out on.

"L/N's cheating!" 

"What? How can I be cheating- it's literally Kirishima's turn right now!" you shot back.

Bakugo tutted condescendingly, "Excuses."

"Kill yourself." you groaned.

Sero raised an eyebrow, "You guys can't go a day without saying that to each other. So petty and for what?"

"Sero," you smiled, "Please tell Bakugo that he's a piece of shit- and if he thinks I'm cheating he can suck my dick."

Bakugo leaned forwards in amusement, tilting his head at you.

"Sero, please tell L/N she's a fucking homosexual, and I don't give two fucks about her dick."

The half-Latino teenager opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by you.

"Sero," you repeated challengingly, "Please tell Bakugo to drown himself."

"Sero," Bakugo's eyes narrowed, "Please tell L/N that I hope she trips, cracks her head open and no one helps her."

The others looked between you and the blonde, spectating the back and forth.

"Sero, tell Bakugo I hope both sides of his pillow are warm."

"Sero, tell L/N I hope she gets a buzzcut."

"Tell Bakugo I hope his grandma dies!"

"Tell L/N I hope her family disowns her!"

By now, you were both stood up, yelling at each other from opposite sides of the table.

"You're adopted!"

"You're a pain in the ass!"

"Yeah, well you're-"

You found yourself getting pulled back by Kaminari, and Bakugo getting pulled back by Kirishima.

The two of you kicked and flailed, trying to escape from your restrainer's grasps and fly at each other.

"Let me go!" Bakugo strained, "I want to knock her out so bad!"

"Get off of me!" you struggled, "I want to kick him where the sun doesn't shine!"

You were making so much noise that the other members of the class had come to see what all the commotion was about.

"Both of you stop before I call Aizawa-Sensei!" Iida said sharply, waving his arms.

You and Bakugo halted your actions immediately; A fight in the Common Room could cost you a permanent stain on your record.

"Sorry, Iida." you apologized, letting Kaminari know it was safe to let go of you.

Momo stared at you with her eyes widened, shocked but at the same time not shocked at all. She knew that Bakugo always brought out the worst in you, and you him.

"Alright everybody," Iida motioned, "Nothing to see here! You may resume your nightly activities!"

You nearly jumped when you saw Toru appear next to you, tugging your blazer.

"Come on Y/N, me and Jirou are hanging out in my dorm."

Sighing, you nodded and followed her down to the girls' sector.

As you passed by Bakugo, he whispered something only you could hear.

"Kill yourself."

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