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picking up the pieces of our lives and starting over

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Life in the OBX has never been weirder but more normal at the same time.

Getting back from Venezuela was the biggest trauma and shock in our lives we had ever experienced. Luckily for us, we had each other.

As soon as we got back to Kildare, we contacted Shoupe and told him the whole story of what had happened. He then made some calls, called in favors, and took care of us.

Kiara went back home. It's been almost two years and still she won't say a word of what was said when her parents found out JJ and I broke her out of that fucking camp. We know better than to ask her. She'll tell us when she's ready.

As for the rest of us, John B, Cleo, JJ, Sarah and I lived with the Heywards for a few months. Pope's room turned into everyone's room. Those were fun days. We would stay up till the morning, playing games, talking and sometimes crying together. It was like a never-ending sleepover.

The Heywards were kind enough to give us a roof and food, and they made sure we were okay every single day that passed since we got back. I will never be able to pay them for what they did for us.

One day, a man knocked on the Heywards' door, accompanied by Shoupe. That was the start of a whole new adventure.

We went back to El Dorado. This time legally and with a whole archaeological team with us. As the discoverers of El Dorado, we were going to be honored with a whole exhibition in the museum. A whole new wing dedicated to the Merchant, the Cross and El Dorado was going to be constructed, and they wanted us in on everything. Of course we said yes.

Seeing El Dorado with the pogues was... indescriptible. I just remember flashes of memories, I was too overwhelmed to remember all of it. I just remember being there, the whole place with gold shining around. I remember I was holding John B's hand with my left hand, and JJ's with my right hand. I remember at one point someone took a picture of us that is now going to the exhibition.

At first, the team of archeologists didn't want us inside the cave, saying it was too dangerous since the explosion had done great damage. They also said the tunnel they were excavating was very narrow, and it would give us claustrophobia.

I remember how firm John B's tone was when he said the whole group was going inside, or the project was over before it could even start. That's when people understood who was in charge. Ever since then, people think my brother is a bossy 20 year-old with anger issues.

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