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home sweet home

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Seeing our dock, tying up the boat in front of our old and loved fishing shack had never felt better. I'm not going to lie to you, I cried when I saw my beloved Chateau, still there as if we had never left.

"I gotta admit," My father had said with a grin from ear to ear," It's good to be back."

Our father laughed and cheered, he didn't waste time - he ran to our house with happiness oozing from his pores. Seeing him back home was strange after so much time living on our own. But hey, I'm not complaining.

John B and I had stayed back, both of us realizing there was no sign of our friends. Best case scenario, they were coming late, but they were coming. Worst case scenario, they didn't make it.

I didn't want to think about it too much. My heart aches everytime I think about JJ, and how much I miss him. I hadn't realized how dependent I've become of him, of his mere presence. I've become so used to being around him all the time... I just hope they come back soon.

Our dad had tolled the bell and called for us to come home. JB and I laughed, feeling the wave of nostalgic memories hitting us. My brother wrapped his arm around my shoulders, and together we walked the dock, back to our home.

John B and I found our dad staring at the tree where JJ burned JB's gravestone. He chuckled, with a sad smile on his face. "Check it out. Got my own headstone."

"Yeah, not our best work, if I'm honest." I clicked my tongue jokingly, making my brother laugh under his breath.

"Would you ever give me one of those?"

"Never," John B shook his head.

"Welcome home, Pop." I say with a side smile.

And that, takes us to right now. The first night back together in our home.

John B and I are laying on the couch outside, each of us with our heads on one side. It's clear I'm the evil twin - I've been kicking his head with my feet for the past seven minutes.

"I don't know why in the hell you wouldn't wanna sleep on the porch couch when it's so much cooler in here." Our father chuckles from the inside.

We laugh, and through the open window I can hear our dad making himself comfortable on our couch.

"Yeah, it's hot tonight."

"Yeah, especially with no electricity. You didn't think to pay the bill?"

"We've been busy. You know, trying to survive on a deserted island and all that." I answer sarcastically.

"Yeah, we were gone a little bit longer than we thought."

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