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CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVEstrangled, again

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I kick my feet and cough as I try to breathe. My nails scratch deeply his skin, trying as hard as I can to break free from him.

John B and JJ come fast enough, both of them pulling Persaud away from me, yelling at him to let go of me. But Persaus is a very strong man, and the fear I can see in his eyes is the whole reason he's still fighting.

"We..." I cough, "...know Professor Sowell..." I try to say with a raspy voice as he keeps cutting out my airflow.

"Who gave you that name?"

"Let her go, dude!" JJ yells again, with a trembling voice.

"She's telling the truth, we're friends, okay?!" John B yells desperately too, trying to take thim off me. "You were in Orinoco last year!"

That seems to mean something to Persaud, as it seems the pressure on my airpipes seems to be softening.

"With five other people, right?!"

"How did you know that?"

"Just let her go!" JJ yells once more.

And then, Persaud lets go of the machete, and JJ takes a hold of it. Both boys manage to get him away and stand up, cornering him against his counter.

I roll on my back, gasping for air, coughing and holding my hands to my throat in agony. I hear the boys talking to Persaud, threatening him to stay still and telling him we just want to talk.

All I've managed to do is get on my knees, grunting and still trying to catch my breath. JJ is holding the machete to Persaud's neck, but still glances at me briefly out of the corner of his eye.

"You okay?" He asks panting.

I give him a thumbs up, as my brother grabs my arm and helps me stand up. "I'm okay." I breath out.

Persaud looks between me and my brother, and I think there's a hint of recognition in his face. He must've seen our father in us, because he stops fighting, and JJ is able to put the machete down.

"Jesus," Persaud sighs.

"Look, we were just with Sowell yesterday." My brother explains. "He, uh... He didn't make it."

"He's dead?"

"Yeah." We nod our heads. "I'm sorry."

Persaud breathes shakily, stumbling around his house, "I'm the last one left." He takes a seat then, grimacing in pain.

"I'm so sorry, sir." I say, walking towards him slowly. "That's why we're here. We had to get to you before they did."

"And I almost killed ya." Persaud shakes his head, "I'm sorry, young lady."

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