John's Our Father

Start from the beginning

"Just watching the parade" Damon tells her. Bonnie and I start to leave. "Where are you both going?" he asks following us.

"Away from you" Bonnie answers.

"I wanna say something to you" Damon tells her.

"Just leave me alone" Bonnie snaps. Damon appears in front of us.

"Thank you. The device that Emily spelled could have killed me. I don't take what you did lightly so...thank you" he tells Bonnie.

"I did it for Elena" she tells him.

"I know that, but I'm still very grateful. And...I owe you" he tells her. "Enjoy the parade" he adds.

"Let's cheer for the Mystic Fall's high school football team. Alright! Let's show them our support, everybody!" Carol says. As Grayson soils his nappy.

"I need to give Grayson a nappy change, come with me?" I ask Bonnie. She agrees and we head to the grill. "You didn't do it right?" I ask as I start to change Grayson's nappy once we reach the bathroom.

"Of course I didn't and I feel so bad for lying to Elena" she states.

"You did the right thing Bonnie" I assure her. "You're protecting this town and your god son" I state. I finish changing Grayson. "I gotta feed him, you can go see the end of the parade if you want" I tell her. She nods and left. I cover myself with a blanket and feed Grayson. Before burping him before leaving the bath room as he dozes off.

I see Jeremy and Elena having a fight & frown. I follow Jeremy. "Jer, you ok?" I ask concerned.

"Elena I said..." he starts to snap. But stops when he sees it's me and Grayson. "Oh Mira, hi" he mutters.

"What's wrong with you and Elena?" I ask him concerned.

"I read her journal, I know how she made Damon take my memories of Vicki away" he states.

"Jeremy, that's private" I snap.

"She lost that right when she had Damon mess with my head" he states.

"Why aren't you angry at me then?" I ask.

"I know you tried to stop them and you've been honest with me either since I found out about vampires again" he states.

"Please don't be to hard on Elena, she loves you Jeremy" I tell him.

"I know" he grumbles. "I just can't deal with her right now" he states. I nod my head in understanding. "How about a hug from my nephew?" he asks. I smile and hand the sleeping Grayson to him.

"You staying for the fireworks?" I ask and he nods his head as we walk around. "Same" I tell him. "So any questions?" I ask him.

"Not really, but is it true there's a vampire called Katherine who looks exactly like you and Elena?" he asks.

"Yep, seen a photo of her. Sort of creepy, it's how Stefan figured out Elena and I are adopted" I tell him

"Have you found out anything about your birth parents?" he asks.

"Mother's a vampire and a bitch, you meet her Isobel" I state.

"Right, she kidnapped me" he mutters.

"Yep and no idea who our biological father is" I tell him. "I'm here if you ever need to talk" I tell him. "But try to forgive Elena" I state.

"I'll think about it" he mutters handing me Grayson. "See you at home" he states and walks off. I shake my head and head off with Grayson in my arms.

(Time skip)

It's nearly time for the fireworks when a deputy approaches me. Asking me to come with him. Saying my uncle wanted to see me. He takes me to dad's old doctor office. Where Uncle John is. "Get in position" he tells the deputy who leaves us. "I told you to go home before dark" he states.

"I wanted to see the fire works with Grayson" I admit. He sighs. "That's when it happens, isn't it?" I ask and he nods his head. "I'm sorry" I say.

"It's ok, just don't leave my side you'll be safe" he assures me. I smile. "You can see the fireworks from the window" he tells me. I nod and head over to it. As Damon arrives.

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Damon asks Uncle John.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact I do" John states as the fire works start. Damon goes toward him, John activates the device. Damon falls, he grabs the sides of his head and screams. Waking Grayson, who whimpers. I shush him and rock him gently. Having him look up at the fire works. He coos happily at them.

Uncle John vervains Damon. Five minutes later the device is stopped. John takes everything back and goes in the basement. Telling me to wait outside. I do so and he soon joins me. Grayson is a sleep again. I see the building on fire. "It's over" I say relieved.

"All over" he assures me.

"Where is Damon?" Elena asks. We turn to see her with Stefan. I frown, shouldn't he be burning with Damon?

"With the rest of them, where he should be. It's over for Damon" John tells her.

"You're crazy!" Elena exclaims. "Mira, how can you be ok with this?" she asks me.

"They were a threat to the town" I state as I look at Grayson.

"Why? Because I'm doing what should have been done a hundred and forty five years ago? This is the right thing, Elena" John tells her. "Go ahead, you won't make it out. It'll save me the trouble of killing you myself" he tells Stefan.

"You know the building well, is there another way in?" Stefan asks Elena.

"Utility door, there's one around the side" she tells him. He goes toward the building, Elena follows him but John catches her arm.

"You take one more step and I'll alert those deputies that they missed a vampire" he threatens her.

"I'm asking you not too" she begs.

"That doesn't mean anything to me" he tells her.

"As mine and Mira's father, it should" she snaps. I look at her shocked, then at John. As the feeling of betrayal fills me.

"You know" John says. Not denying it and I back away from him.

"I wasn't sure, now I am" Elena states and left. John looks at me.

"Mira, I..." he tries to say and I slap.

"How could you?" I ask him as I fight back tears. "I trust you and you've been lying this whole time" I state.

"I'm sorry" he states.

"I can't even look at you" I sneer. "Good bye and never comeback" I tell him and storm off. I take out my phone calling Matt. As I start to cry. "Matt, can I stay at your house tonight?" I ask.

"Mira, what's wrong?" he asks me concerned.

"John is a big fat liar, Elena and Jeremy are fighting. Elena maybe mad at me" I tell him.

"Of course you and Grayson can crush at my house, but I am currently at the hospital" he tells me.

"Why? What happened?" I ask him concerned.

"Caroline, Tyler and I were in a car accident. Tyler and I are ok, but Care is in the emergency room" he states.

"I'll be right there" I tell him and hang up. I hail a taxi and have it take me to the hospital. I arrive to see Liz talking to Matt. "How's Caroline?" I ask them handing Grayson to Matt.

"There was some internal bleeding; they're taking her into surgery" Liz answers me.

"She'll be ok, she's the strongest girl I know and she has you for a mum" I state. She smiles and I hug her. She then goes to talk to Matt. "You ok?" I ask him as I sit down beside him.

"Just worried about Caroline" he tells me.

"She'll be ok" I assure him resting my head on his shoulder.


Picture above of Elena, Stefan, Caroline and Matt on the float.

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