Team meeting

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Daiko:  Hello!

Daiko (Prime): It's nice to se everyone again.

Daiko (GT): No kidding. When is that vacation thing gonna happen?

Daiko (Night): After this part.

Daiko (Xeno): What?

Daika: It's good to see you! *hugs her GT self*

Daika (GT): Heh, same to you.

Daika (Vampa): *nods with a smile* I'm glad you're all well.

Daika (Xeno): You guys look good.

Daika (Night): *hugs her Xeno self from behind* Everything going okay at home?

Daika (Xeno): *nods with a small smile* Thankfully.

Sorrel: Alright, the vacation will happen by the end of the week. I'm checking in for our place. Who's going to check in for your guys's place?

Sorrel (GT): Um...I'm pretty sure Jakuna is going to for us.

Sorrel (AU): Sorra's going. With a less revealing outfit.

Sorrel (Xeno): Daika's going for us. Glad we could do this again.

Sorrel: *nods* I agree.

Sorra (Xeno): You know what I've been thinking?

Sorra: What?

Sorra (Xeno): I think we all should go shopping for bikinis with all the girls.

Sorra (GT): Yeah! That's a great idea.

Sorra (AU): Got nothing better to do so why not?

Kohl: How have you guys been doing.

Kohl (Xeno): I've been good. I'm starting to go on missions with the others.

Kohl (AU): Really? Congrats man.

Kohl (GT): Yeah. How does it feel to be out there?

Kohl (Xeno): Honestly? I think it's simple.

Kumara: I'm guessing you too have been going on missions.

Kumara (Xeno): *nods* Yeah, I love being able to help out since they gave us a home to stay in.

Kumara (GT): Aww, that's nice.

Akumo: What are your stories?

Jakuna: What do you mean? We've just been training the whole time.

Jakuna (GT): With some breaks as well.

Jakuna (PKI): Hm, I've learned more about what life means. Very interesting at the very least.

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