Sick GT

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Daiko (GT): *walks back from work* ... *looks around him as he continues to walk* Hmm...

Daiko continues his way home through the snow. It was quiet. Only the wind and his footsteps were heard along with his breath. He had no thoughts as he wanted to get home as soon as possible. He was tired and wanted to rest. Daiko reaches his home as he opens the door to see no one. He sets his things down as he readied himself for bed. Daiko sits down as he reflected on himself. Lays down as he stares up at the ceiling. The silence grew louder. He closes his eyes as he rests for tomorrow. He has fallen ill. He only imagined his family wasn't home.

Daika (GT): Hm? That's odd...he didn't say hi back.

Sorrel (GT): He must be tired. Long day at work for him probably.

Sorra (GT): I hope that is the only reason...he looked...strange.

Jakuna (GT): Really? Couldn't tell.

Kumara (GT): *lightly punches her shoulder* Not helping. We'll ask tomorrow morning to see if he's okay.

Daika (GT): ...alright. Goodnight everyone.

[The next morning...]

Daiko (GT): *grunts as he wakes up* ... *groans as he gets out of bed* back home... *coughs a bit as he walks to the bath room* Teeth...

[One morning routine later...]

Daiko (GT): *steps out of his room dressed for work* Work now...

Sorra (GT): Goodmorning Daiko. Want some breakfast?

Daiko (GT): No... *coughs into his hand as he walks to the door*

Daika (GT): Hey, Daiko, are you okay?

Daiko (GT): *nods and walks past her* Goodbye—? *bumps into Jakuna*

Jakuna (GT): You're not looking too well. You should get some rest.

Daiko (GT): *grunts as he walked past her*

Kumara (GT): Daiko, I already called your manager and said you won't be coming in today since you're not feeling well.

Daiko (GT): If...If I show up...they'll know...I'm okay to work...

Kohl (GT): Will they? Have you looked yourself in the mirror? Even you should know you're not well. Hell, you should feel that you're not well.

Daiko (GT): I'm fine— *coughs abruptly* ...*pants lightly as he coughs once again as he was guided to sit down on the couch by Daika*

Daika (GT): No you're not. You work so hard, what's one day of rest going to do to you? Besides, we were never going to let you leave.

Daiko (GT): *breathes lightly* ...thanks...

Daika (GT): *smiles* Yeah...we love you, Daiko. You shouldn't hide anything from us. You can talk to us about whatever you want. We can't force it, but you can enforce it. There should be no secrets between families.

Daiko (GT): ...h-heh...heheh...yeah...I love you guys too...

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